[Plugin] MoveIt
Hi Jim!
May I humbly request to add "scale department" to your 'mover 2'?
With uniform\non uniform\random\by axis\ lock the component insert point features it'd be a killer plugin.
Thanks in advance. -
@rv1974 said:
something like this:
Ah, that's what I need - pictures! Let me see what I can do. Thanks.
I renamed it MoveIt and it's in the SketchUcation store.
Tried to download Mover2.
Got this error.Also no download arrow available for 'makeorthoviews'
@jim said:
I renamed it MoveIt and it's in the SketchUcation store.
Whew!! I was worried there
Thanks for the quick reply.How about Makeorthoviews?
@jim said:
I sent that via email since it's a paid plugin.
Lest everyone gets the wrong idea, I previously bought Makeorthoviews from SMustard but forgot I did so it was all above board that Jim sent me a copy rather than my having to download it again.
This was always a favorite plugin in my arsenal. Nothing else works quite like this! I hope it "plays well" with the other plugins.
I'm glad you like it. There are no known conflicts, and code is written using the communities best practices to minimize the chance of future conflicts.
i'm still searching how to selected multiple objects without copying them ... cause i'm using CTRL of course ...
Jim, could you test something for me, I am getting errors using this with SU 2107, seems like on some groups when I move them they duplicate when moved, does not happen with components.
@solo said:
Jim, could you test something for me, I am getting errors using this with SU 2107, seems like on some groups when I move them they duplicate when moved, does not happen with components.
I have tested on 2017 and it works the same for me on 2016 & 2017.
The only time you should get a copy is when holding the Ctrl key and clicking an arrow (and/or using the cursor keys.) I don't suppose you unintentionally had your pinky on the Ctrl key?
I just remembered something about the dialog - the dialog is what handles the keyboard input. I think I remember it used to get confused as to what state the ctrl key was in. I thought I added an indicator to the dialog, but maybe it never got done. If it happens again, click on the dialog and toggle the Ctrl key to see if it clears things up.
Other than that, it's difficult to say what's happening.
I just downloaded MoveIt. The CW and CCW directions are backward on the X and Z axis. I drew a simple box and labeled the TOP and FRONT surfaces, so I know I'm looking at the correct surfaces.
thank you for this plugin Movelt
Hello. it seems that the plugin is not yet available..... could you fix this problem? thanks
Jim [the author] has withdrawn all of his plugins from here and elsewhere...
Sorry !