@pbacot said:
[..] do you mean you want to be able to manipulate the textures, as textures or patterns, in another SW? Is that possible?
basically, yes.
i tried out the Layout's hybrid rendering again, and it's pretty close to what i would like, but the only flaw it has is that the textures (and colors!) are rendered in arbitrary regions in the pdf, overlapping (or underlying) the pdf's lines.
[image: PY2B_layout-hybrid-output.png]
I was hoping each 'closed face' in the pdf would have its own texture, so in a time crunch i could, say, swap every second floor's texture...
The main advantages I see is the ability to edit in post processing, and being able to print at both A4 and A1 formats with textures downscaled appropriately and having the crisp vector output.
(or am I behind and in 2014 edition of Sketchup & Layout this already works as I would like it to?)