Hi Craig
Looks interesting but the download link for SU plugin does not work.?
Hi Craig
Looks interesting but the download link for SU plugin does not work.?
I found a pretty good 3d Plymouth Cuda.
Not sure of the year but let me know if it will work
I will check here tomorrow.
You are the KING !!!
What a generous and really useful gift.
Thank you a bunch
dtr Architect
I use TurboCad with SU for condoc creation.
Flatten the model and export as 3d dwg.
(2d export does not work the same)
Dimensions and leaders export as Tcad default and I just select and change formating to suit.[Edit/Select by/Entity type]
Text comes in as Tcad "Multi-text" and is format/content editable too.
Not parametric but a pretty good work-around for 2d and the price is right too.
Good idea to make both a 2d and 3d version of the model concerned.
Both dimensions and text actually come across substantially OK so do check it out.
Very helpfull tool and thanks a bunch.
Very clever tool and thanks.
As it creates a group it is very easy to move back and forth.
Good enough as it stands.
Resolution ratio correction and update.
The 25.5 Westinghouse monitor has a ratio of %(#FF0000)16:10
It is a WUXGA video standard format.
For reference see.
Just pilot error here but wike wins.
Hi Dave the first and all
The ratio must be 6:9 [large/small = .625] or the images will not be "square" and distorted.
(just check circles to see this)
A repeat of my personal to Dave R just to make sure.
Hi #1
We have been off the the Masters Nat Rowing Championships so apologies for the late reply
First use the VGA option and connect to VGA on both monitor and graphics card.
Otherwise the monitor will not have the native screen res of 1920 x 1200 (6:9 ratio) to keep images square.
Even though it is recommended to use the native res you may set another as long as it is 6:9 and on my wife's monitor we saw no degradation in image with a different setting.
there is a super free utility called multires the will give you more options and will allow a higher refresh as well.
Dave this copy is blessed with a much needed spellcheck.
Hello all
Equipment heads up.
It was time the get all the CRT elephants of the desks and I did a full court press on the thin screens.
Surprise here is a 26 inch 1920x1200MS refresh with HDMI and VGA input.
Razor sharp,well saturated colors and all the real estate one could ever want.
$379 US @ Best Buy
Don't laugh it is a Westinghouse
Less $$$ than most 24's and the best screen image I saw at any price.
IMO a real diamond in the dung.
Thx for the link.
Very nice tut and good of you to do the work.
Back to business.
Hi Iglesias
Good call as Screw does do a better job.
Thx for the heads up.
Now we need one for non helical curved paths.
Anti twist mode.
The rez for me on youTube was not good enough to see the tut but you sound like a good guy in any case.
Hello All
There is an old ruby called circle slopes that will build a helical ramp.
Still works with SU V6
Here it is
2d fillet
Just use the k_tools_50.rb ruby
Geometry/make L option
(you can asign a keystroke to this option and I use K)
Just select the first line.
Input the radius value and hit enter.
Click on the second line and the radius is created.
If the radius is zero this will trim/clear the two lines to a corner.
Very handy when using SU in a 2d mode.
Ruby can be found at
A long time ago I tried to get the script experts to create just what you are requesting.
The script would select a SU lines or paths on a surface and a face profile and then do a follow-me that would "plough" reveals on the selected lines.
It would be super if the script could select rt/center/lft for profile alignment as well.
As a sub-set of the script it could also just take the profile/face and align it at 90 deg to the selected line (path)and then have the option to just do a follow me not necessarily a "Plough"
As SU lines do not export except sort-of in 3ds this would be a big time saver when rendering in another application.
A must for Architectural renders and when one has a lot of reveals it can take an eye watering time to dig them all out.
Maybe if we all beg it would help.
Huge source for fixtures furniture from manufactures.
The trough is open for business.
Stinkie is right.
Lightning BugSplat!!! on non-textured surfaces.
Otherwise works like a charm.
Thanks for such a fun tool too.
Hi Fredo
I thought this would never show up.
Simply amazing and thank you so very much.
Hi All
I had the same PIA too and just gave up until this thread drove me to give it another shot to try to fix.
I use dual monitors and stick most of the Window/Menus on #2 and they would never stay put on SU re-boot.
Stuff you may not have figured out.
Some of the menus are hardwired to stack on top of each others and will refuse to tile down.
[Materials]is the only that seems to allow other menus to tile down below and not move around on SU re-boot and it seems also be hard wired in code.
The sequence below does seem to stay put OK.
-------------------- [Styles]
-------------------- [Shadow Settings]
-------------------- [Components]
I also set other menus on the Active Screen Toolbar (monitor #1)and they do stay put too.
[file loaded][SketchUp Pro][menu][menu] etc.
Just save in a template and at least on the PC it seems bullet proof.
Check it out.
It's Friday here and time for some donuts.