Heads up all
Way back when looking at the same site I DID get the VD.
Also look out for email that contains benqbenq in any form.
Not a clean site to visit at all.
Heads up all
Way back when looking at the same site I DID get the VD.
Also look out for email that contains benqbenq in any form.
Not a clean site to visit at all.
Hi All
What is wanted is to align a face 90 deg to path that is at any xyz direction.
Follow me does not re-orientate the face 90 deg to path end point.
If the face is oblique it will be extruded as such.
Align perp to endpoint of line segment would be a super time saver.
fillet maybe
Sounds good but never could get it to work.
Upper left of what ? and right and left from where ?
Anyone ?
Hi All
Both Win 2k and XP will access 3.4 GB of ram.(if you have 4GB installed)
Just find BOOT.ini and add the /3GB switch at the
end of the string....../fastopen/3GB
Go to system properties (win key+pause break) to check.
Thanks go to Alain Picard of Abvent/Artlantis for this trick.
Hi All
Both Win 2k and XP will access 3.4 GB of ram.(if you have 4GB installed)
Just find BOOT.ini and add the /3GB switch at the
end of the string....../fastopen/3GB
Just go to system properties (win key+pause break) to check.
Hi Fred
Many thanks again and again.
Your scrips are simply the most important and useful
produced to date without a doubt.
Just what SU should have had in the first place.
Bread and butter tools.
What else to say ??
The copy along has just driven me crazy but check this file out and see if this trick really works.
Draw path and a perpendicular line on end node.
Make line a component.
Then edit the line to whatever and copy along path (spacing).
The line seems to setup the orientation properly.
"Trust but verify" RR
Hi Burchard
Thx for the heads up on xnview in SU
Very slick and a great idea.
Hi Burchard
Xnview (free) will view the thumbnails created by the last save in SU.
This will also view most graphic formats too.
Also dxf & dwg (rt clk for full scree view)
http://www.xnview.com - http://www.xnview.org
Really super app.
Hi #1
For time I have used Timeslips and now a simpler (and cheaper)"Complete Time Tracking Std" that is a timer and report system that keeps track of hours/tasks/$$$ for each project.
To keep track of the paper stuff ring binder(s)for each project/phase of etc work are the way to go.
Great to see you are doing well and your work looks really nice as always.
Hi lapX
Here is how my example was put together.
I used your path and welded the spiral portion first.
The spiral portion was then extruded up using the vertical line of the path with the [extrudeline]with vector ruby.
This face was then extruded horizontally using the [jointpushpull] ruby.
(the keep face option found using the [tab] key was selected and there it was.
Just back from ski trip so a little late to all this but if the attached is what you wanted just let me know.
Hi pns000
The truth is that you cannot do what you want with a sweep in SU.
The twist is built in and no one to date has come up with a fix.
Only a circular section will look OK but the twist is still there.
Best bet to date is to use an external program and import to SU.
Some of the less faint of heart have stitched a section at a time while rotating end faces/outlines.
Big PIA and not getting better.
P Miller
rong name but it's for your good eye
P Miller
You are right and my error.
SU is just plain twisted.
Top/bottom ortho view does show the out of vertical.
Oh well.
Hi All
Good topic and there is a solution.
Use the [extrudeLine] to pull up a single line and intersect for slice.
Then use the [joint pushpull] (tab=keep original faces) to extrude a face.
Check out the attached
Looks flat to me.
Glad to help
Of course a no-twist extrude along path would be the real answer but jointPP will work pretty well and glad to have it
I got the same message using the download posted here.
I had already moved the menu and just thought that the file location worked a little better as a suggestion.
Hi erikB
Here is the sequence.
1-an inclined curved path was created with grouped vector on z axis to use as the extrude by 2 points path.
2-using the [extrudelinetool] ruby (by 2 vector points) the path was extruded up the z axis.
3-the face created was selected and the [J] icon for the Joint PP was selected using the settings per my post.(use the [tab] to access same.
4-the tool was then used to PP the face and it was done.
Hope this clears things up for you.