Thanks everyone for the encouragement, I will try my best.
@jolran said:
Looks like there are some hints from TIG dealing with raytests and camera positions, etc in the links. Thomthom where on to something there as well.
Maybe that could help. Hope you manage to find something, Renderiza.
The camera position in relation to the markers on floor is something to be explored indeed but its going to be a mess trying to have formula that can give you the right value for fog.
Depth of Field
with SkethcUP and Photoshop
Here is little experiment using Fog and the style options for making an alpha type image that I could use in Photoshop to make depth of field.
Alpha 1 (from SketchUp)
[image: image.jpg]
This is an exported image from SketchUp which was made to look like that using Styles options to modify fog color and few other parameters. This output image will then serve me as alpha channel to apply lens blur in Photoshop.
Original (from SketchUp)
[image: image.jpg]
Result (from Photoshop)
[image: image.jpg]
This is how it will look with depth of field applied, please keep in mind that you have full control of the amount and you can even invert it so that the blur area is the front. Apart from the blur effect I also did an inner shadow type of effect just in case anyone wanted to know.
Maybe I will make a tutorial so that it becomes more clear how to do this.