Window......Preferences......Open GL......(tick) "Use Maximimun Texture Size"
Window......Preferences......Open GL......(tick) "Use Maximimun Texture Size"
Nice examples shown.
Thought I would share a stair set that I was "forced to build" as the existing framing prohibited conventional stair set options. (rise & run extremely "short" & HVAC tightly roughed over head)
Not sure of the proper term for this type of stair set...but "card fan" comes to mind.
I maintained 10" tread at the "walk line"........12" "in".
Built the stair set as individual "carriages".
Cannot seem to locate the actual finished pics....will upload if I find some.
@wo3dan said:
With your suggestion:
Scene A with section plane 1 active
Scene B with section plane 1 still active, different location though..
Thanks Gerrit,
To split hairs.....I envision section plane 1 uses same position (location) for "Scenes A&B"...only camera "B" is 180Β° to Camera "A".(think turntable)
@wo3dan said:
The animation from A to B (and back) shows the transition of the section cut running from A to B (and back) (scene transitions enabled and unequal to zero)
The only minor difference is that things are much simpler now without the need of an extra section plane.
I envision a "sweeping" 180Β° Turn/transition from "A" to "B" using the same plane.......yes...unlike the current transition from one plane to another....though maybe the sweeping transition would be more........??...sexy?
Again...thanks for you input/thought's.
@wo3dan said:
@unknownuser said:
...I know SU will not save the Section Plane "Reverse" attribute on a scene by scene basis.
So my question is.....does anyone (else) see this as a useful "option".
Yes, +1. For not saving the "direction" of section plane seems like a missed opportunity. Something they missed when deciding what to save per scene.
Setting up animations is going to be slightly different!Anyway, +1
Thanks for your reply...I guess there is not much interest or need for above stated.
I selfishly wished for it.......given currrent modeling requirement.
IE: Imagine the need to document (2d) building interior (X-sections) elevation(s)and have the option to use the same X-Section Plane..........Twice(2x).......From same camera position...albeit 180Β°.
Again........if not great demand for such........no real big deal...it would of course greatly simplify above mentioned scenario.
Again, thanks for your reply..........BTW....not sure I follow the "Setting up animations is going to be slightly different"??
I know SU will not save the Section Plane "Reverse" attribute on a scene by scene basis.
So my question is.....does anyone (else) see this as a useful "option".
IOW....if you have a Section Plane...say with a view oriented North....and desire a same position & view facing South (180Β°).....why not use the same Section Plane....invoke the reverse option....and simply create a scene using the same Section Plane.
Currently I use 2 seperate Section Planes...(1 North & 1 South/per above example)...offset a small amount usually ~ 3" or so.
@kupono said:
Aside the Stamp tool not accepting a 0" offset value, I've been unable to reliably change it to any value. It may be a SU-2013 bug. After some effort I've found a reliable kludge (contradiction?) (see screencast and attached model). What SU version are you using? Can anyone else duplicate this behavior?
Using the Stamp tool is a good solution for my tile trim problem. I'll be using it.
There've been a lot of great suggestions and I've learned a lot. Thanks to all.
I am using SU 2013 Pro/Windows 7Pro.
I looked at your screencast.........Try selecting the Stamp tool from the toolbar....and before clicking the mouse on anything....enter a value....6....."....enter.
Now select the entity you wish to stamp....and then of course the surface to which you want to stamp.
This works reliably for me.
Also....after fooling with this just a bit more I can almost set a value of zero.
By entering .001...."....enter......the stamp offset value displays as ~0"
@unknownuser said:
Charlie, I like this approach. I was able to extrude the unwanted areas down, but no matter what I did I couldn't get the offset to equal zero. I saw on a few older posts that the offset can not be zero so I tried .001 and then .1--neither worked. I always end up with the default 1' offset. How'd you get it to work?
I apologise, I did not notice my input of 0" was not taking.
I now see it forces 1" offset minimum......so now this method requires one extra step per cutter.
Simply offset the geometry of each cutter in 1" to compensate for the 1" added back by the stamp offest......delete one edge of the cutter to remove the face of the offset.(no need to clean up the perimeter stray lines)
EDIT: Uploaded revised model........saved in V6 for Pilou
I think I understand your problem.....see attached file for an alternate (albeit) still basic option.
Essentially........this method uses the "Stamp" function from the Sandbox tool set.
Create "stamps"..."cookie cutters"....errr....or "shears"...in this case I created 3 "cutters" to accomplish the task.....as opposed to a closed/single polygon (think doughnut) that will fail to "cut/shear" as necessary. (clear as mud?)
Once you create a proper "open/individual" stamp/cutter/shear....it is simply a matter of setting the Stamp "offset = zero" and extruding the undesireable geometry away from the desired geometry enough so that you can easily select/delete the same.
I have attached a .zip/SU file...hope it is not overweight.
I suspect you are like me.......and when without the Space Navigator it is like someone tied one of your hands behind your back....so I completely understand the R&R of SU 2013.
Glad to hear you were able to get your Space Nav/3DxSU going.
All the best,
You may have to enable the 3DX extension in SU.
Open SU2013....Window....Preferences....Extensions....3DxSketchup.
If it is already selected I am not sure what the problem is......unless
(I see you are on Windows.....what version?)
If you still have SU V8 installed on this machine, you may try copying the Plug in folder(3DxSketchup) and .rb file (3DxSketchup.rb) from the SU V8 Plug in folder to the SU 2013 Plug in folder.(copy/[paste)
I messed around with this quite a bit before the updated 3Dx driver was available, and so I do not recall if simply installing the updated driver fixed the problem automatically or not.....I want to say it only updated SUV8 Plug in (I have SUV8 & SU2013 on same machine).....but I did get it going.......so stay with it.
I had the same problem a few months back and had to wait a few weeks for 3D Connexion to update the driver.
It is available now and works fine.....Go to 3D Connexion web site and get the latest driver for your device.
@dave r said:
Almost. I wonder if it would be useful for something.
Well....perhaps not very useful for capturing Sasquatch....or say Nessie for that matter.
But may just be a hint to where the broken link lies....and no... not the same as the missing link.
Interesting.........eliminating all of the Strokes in Style Builder seems to (almost) replicate the fat lines.
@dave r said:
It looks like that because you have no stokes inserted in the set. In the upper right hand box you can see the empty cells where stokes need to be placed. The model displays those cells as well. You can drag the sample strokes from the left hand pane up to the cells and then you'll see the lines displayed on the model. If you open an existing style or load a style template, the strokes will be inserted into the cells automatically but the sample strokes aren't.
Yes...I fully understand that,what I was pointing out was Style Builder (without any strokes inserted)looks very much like what Sketchup is displaying.(or NOT displaying)
IOW....it's almost as if SU is not reading any of the sketchy linestyles of the particular style that is selected.
(while correctly displaying the selected styles colors/background/etc.)
Make sense?
Wonder if making a new style without any lines inserted would replicate the condition?
I could test that..........but won't know if it breaks with Max Tex. on (on my machine).
@dave r said:
If you open the style in Style Builder, does it display like it should or as those wide strokes?
I checked out a few of the styles in Style Builder earlier today......and they display as they should in the preview window.
But just now when I opened Style Builder (no Style Selected/loaded)it appears eerily like what the SU displays with Max Texture Selected.
Hmmm....wonder if SU relys on Style Builder in the background to display the sketchy styles?
EDIT: Or maybe selecting Max Tex somehow breaks the interpretation of the line width?
@box said:
Yep, I saw that and mine was the same.
Now that you have your settings just right.........can you turn the max tex back on and "send to layout"............on my machine it will display properly in Layout while having the thick strokes in SU.
Edit:.....Scratch that.......I see you are on Free Make.
I did not draw attention to it in my original post, but look at the editor "stroke" preview pane.
@box said:
Do you have an Nvidia graphics cards?
Nvidia Quadro600 (1GB).......2 year old machine.
But again.....why only in SU 2013 and not SU V8?
@dave r said:
I wonder how I got so lucky.
[attachment=0:3mght2s6]<!-- ia0 -->hardware accel.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3mght2s6]
Beats me..........In your Open GL options......why not use the first option (40 True Color Medium 4x)?
@box said:
Sorry Charlie, just to clarify, the my two images above are the same style, top with max texture on and bottom with it off.
10-4 Understood......I get the same. (w/raster based linestyles only)
@box said:
It appears to be related to hardware acceleration as well, if I turn that off the style works with max texture on but things become slow.
I not well informed on the nuts & bolts of Open GL & Hardware Acceleration....but pretty sure this breaks any linkage to the Graphics Card and relys solely on "software" to process things. (hence the slowdown)
IOW.....yes it does relate.........but I wonder if you can really have max texture capability without the Hardware Acceleration on. (sounds good anyway)