@slbaumgartner said:
More tidbits
Thanks so much for the thorough checks. Some comments:
The code highlighter is indeed quite space sensitive. That I believe is just how CodeMirror works. I'll look into it, but I don't think I can change that.
Good catch with the Command key. Wasn't even thinking of that...
I'll add show_modal on the mac. Makes perfect sense...
I left the save as feature in there to save me from needing another button and to have a fail-safe. Might be good to add a simple save, though.
I'll update the snippet. It's actually updated in the code
The selection explorer buttons need more descriptive icons, I think. I'll look into that.
The class/method highlighting is indeed a bit brute-force-ish right now. If anyone wants to work with me on making that more reliable, then I'd very much appreciate that. For example, methods should only show up with the respective classes. All of that is implementable in CodeMirror. It just needs tome TLC...