Do they work with ZIP files, too? That's what the KMZ is, after all. I can do the resizing of all images in a folder in Photoshop, too, but I want to make the ZIP decompress / compress steps automatic, too.
Do they work with ZIP files, too? That's what the KMZ is, after all. I can do the resizing of all images in a folder in Photoshop, too, but I want to make the ZIP decompress / compress steps automatic, too.
I got a lot of KMZ files (exported from SketchUp) that are very large (the people that made them didn't care too much about texture size).
Of course this is mainly a texture problem. Has anyone figured out a quick way to resize textures in multiple KMZ files?
The following procedure works well, but it needs to be scripted somehow:
Has anyone figured out an automated way to do this? I am thinking Automator scripts would work well. I think I could also write a Ruby script for this. This could also be implemented easily as a web app. I just wanted to check what's out there before I embark on it.
Thanks for the replies. I'll have to get back to this later, so please don't think I am ignoring you...
Thanks Thom and Scott for the suggestions. I'll try it out later today.
@thomthom said:
You mean
? Or some other form of identification?
Maybe this could be better answered if you described the scenario you want to solve?
The scenario would be to have a model with nothing selected. The script would then select an entity and apply a transformation based on me giving it some ID. This is easy if I select by type (e.g. "all faces") and apply the transformation on all of them but I am wondering if I can do it with an individual selection by ID.
I saw thomthom's plugin but what he does is way beyond what I want to do. I just want to address an object (edge, face, vertex) by ID (not by clicking!) and then transform it.
I am sure someone else has this figured out already: How can I move a vertex with Ruby? The transform! method is not available with a vertex, otherwise this should work:
vertices[0].transform! transformation
Also, is it possible to select an object by its ID?
Since I don't see any progress on the RSS front...
I can gladly volunteer to help set this up. There are actually some mods that only require copying files and then publishing the link to a rss.php file. I have used one of those before on a forum and it works well. Here it a sample (haven't checked versions):
Would be good to add a line like this to the page header, too:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="" />
Then browsers will display a little RSS icon.
Hi Gaieus,
Please re-enable the feed as soon as you can. I find browsing the forum in my feed reader immensely useful and I am missing this feature.
I am starting a series of posts on my blog that explore how one can script SketchUp without having to develop (or download) a full plugin. Creating scripted geometry or automating tasks is actually pretty easy once one grasps the basics of Ruby, SketchUp's scripting language.
This series of posts is not necessarily written for "coders" and all examples will work fine even without any code writing experience. You can just copy, paste and run them and then modify them to suit your own needs.
In case you're interested, here are the links so far:
More posts will follow soon.
Thanks, TIG, for expanding into the third dimension. This is a great plugin.
Cheers, Alex
@chrisjk said:
could you not use the same functionality provided by the browser that is used to highlight words in say a google search?
Although I can find words easily in a textarea (the editor field), I can't highlight it unless I use a custom html-formatted component. In any case, there needs to be some code that runs on every keypress that scans the entire document and formats words. For longer documents that becomes quite slow.
I looked at this editor:
It is pretty neat but I figured, considering the performance issues, that once someone wants highlighting, they'll switch to Notepad++ or other external editors anyways.
@alz said:
Have you thought about adding syntax highlighting?
I actually had it in there at the beginning. Unfortunately (since it uses Javascript), I found that it would get very slow with moderately sized files. But I agree it would be nice.
@dan rathbun said:
The Revision block at the top of as_rubyeditor.rb says version: 1.2
I keep missing those little details... Thanks!
@dan rathbun said:
Perhaps a checkbox next to the UNDO button
Great idea. I'll put this into the preferences section, though.
@dan rathbun said:
Garbage Collection
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I'll look at it.
But zooming out a little: It seems to me that we could maybe work more effectively on this if it were a collaborative project. I haven't worked with Github or similar systems before, but from what I understand it is made for stuff like this. Would you (and anyone else interested, of course) want to move this to a collaborative project?
I just uploaded a newer version (1.1.1) that should fix some of the Safari issues. Now the page should at least load without complaint and the editor is usable. Some of the quirks I found:
It doesn't seem to be possible to access an iframe's browser history in Safari. Therefore I had to remove the Back/Forward buttons when the editor gets used on a mac.
Cookies are handled differently in all browsers. So preference storing works fine in Windows, but may not work on the mac. Next step is to use a local storage for that.
I couldn't get caret positioning working 100% in Safari. Text and tab insertion works fine but the caret jumps around afterwards.
Everything should work as expected in Windows, though. I can't believe that this time IE works fine and Safari is acting up.
From my days programming with Delphi, I remember that for a developer it is possible to just buy a new "toolbar system" and add it to the code. It is not too hard to do this since many components are out there. There is no real need to go with the default UI elements.
And although I still haven't warmed up to the Office-ribbon in Revit, I would not mind the ribbon in SU if it kept everything in place.
I get this with normal websites when I forget the "return false" at the end of the onClick code so that the browser does not try to follow the link. Maybe try:
onclick="window.location='skp;setvalue@' + toHex(document.getElementById('ifield').value);return false"
Hi Dan, Thanks for those points. My comments:
I believe I kept that as it was but I'll add that.
I see this code editor more for people that use it for geometry creation in SU rather than for the Ruby programmer (although they should find it useful, too). So the undo option is meant for undoing the SU action. Also, if you compare my code to Jim's, you see that I like verbose and commented code - I find it helpful for myself and for whoever uses it next. So I also prefer longer variable names.
Until there is a multi-file version of the editor, the multi-instance option is actually useful. Question: On close, can I destroy an instance like "UI::WebDialog = nil". Good point about the instance preferences. Haven't thought about that yet.
I am still fighting with Browser issues. I thought using jQuery would eliminate those. So cookies that save in Safari don't do so in IE.
Just a quick update:
I fixed the cookie issue. Apparently I needed a path to save the cookies. Although Chrome won't save local file cookies, Safari will do that. So we're okay with all preferences and saving them locally.
I fixed the reference browser back button issue. Now in Safari only the iframe gets navigated.
I'll upload a new version with those fixes later today.
The remaining issue is that the function that inserts text at the cursor (tab key and snippets) works fine in IE but not in FF/Safari. I'll look into that. Then I'll also finally try this out on a mac.
@Dan: I can do that the next time. I did put a note on the last thread mentioning that there is an update available at the same address. And the last thread went a little off-topic after a while, so I thought this would keep things clean.
The main download location is still my website, so at least there are no old versions floating around.
Cheers, Alex
P.S. WebKit doesn't seem to want to save cookies from a local page somehow, so I might have to do a local preference storage (as suggested before) after all...