@unknownuser said:
I like the work put into the menu system Chris, I presume you're using that in a plugin you've created? (Or is SketchUp not capable of doing that?)
Thanks. Both cgScenes and nsetSketchupAPI work as plugins and have been downloaded 130+ times. Here are copies of the download links.
cgScenes R 1.051.zip
nsetSketchupAPI 1.00 Nov15 1350.zip
Here is how I introduced the API one:
@chrisglasier said:
I hope some people find the nset version of Alex's cheat sheet useful but really the main purpose was to demonstrate an alternative method of working that energerises names with computer code. Linked together in sets they provide machine-like support. Specific data is simply clicked into focus rather than the reader having to look through pages.
We thought that others might join in by adapting devices like Jim's web console
and creating new ones using the same "name-based OS" that links everything together (the main menu is the model). But it seems web dialogs are not considered a serious solution, which is a great shame. I believe ignoring the real potential of the Net is very short-sighted.
So I decided to concentrate on expanding cgScenes as I know there are SU people who would like to use hierarchies of scenes (views of their models) to facilitate design, present to clients/customers, submit to authorities, support purchasing, direct site work, explain timing and methods with diagrams and model animation, and handover useful and reusable automated information for ongoing activities.