[Plugin] Door-Lintel Update + Window-Sill
Sorry, but although I had updated the RBZ I forgot to click 'Publish' in the PluginStore Dev-page...
NOW its Download link should work !
It was gone when I went to look, but after a few seconds it was there.
Dear Didier Bur,
This so magical very easy to use and give incredible result. because it saves lot of time which is consumed by conventional method(which is very cumbersome) of putting doors And windows. your this plug-in has put an end on that ordeal of deleting every single vertical and horizontal line on faces of walls, which very irritating thank you very much and keep it up!
@tig said:
Sorry, but although I had updated the RBZ I forgot to click 'Publish' in the PluginStore Dev-page...
NOW its Download link should work !
This plugin is wonderful!
Does it work within a component? It seems to work for me only when it's in the "open!?" -
I have been trying to use it using Profile Builder 3 , it seems to have some kind of problem detecting rectangular vertical face.
Hi syahirXIII,
The message shown on your image pops up when the reveal's face loop is made of more than 4 edges.
Please check if this is the case on the face that doesn't work.
Regards -
This plugin doesn't seem to support sketchup2024
A very suitable plugin, can you fix it working on sketchup024?
thanks -
This plugin doesn't seem to support sketchup2024
A very suitable plugin, can you fix it working on sketchup024?
thanks -
Hello! Can you update the plugin for the new skecthup 2024 please
Hi All,
Is this plugin working in 2024 sketchup? Huge time saver but not working for me in newest version.
@ SU2024 and Door-Lintel users:
I don't have SU2024 installed on my PC.
Maybe some developer (TIG ?) will update the plugin ?
So here it is.Regards,
# Name : door_lintel # Description : Draws a lintel above door between wall sides, and window as well # Author : D. Bur # Usage : select face and "Door by reveal" in context menu # Date : May 2008 # Type : Tool # History: 1.0 (May 2008) - first version # 1.1 (May 2008) - window added require 'sketchup.rb' # f=Sketchup.active_model.selection[0] def trad(word) # tStrings = [["Door" "Porte"],["Window" "Fenetre"]] tStrings={ "Door" => "Porte", "Window" => "Fenêtre"} return word if Sketchup.get_locale != "fr" return tStrings[word] end def dbe_by_embrasure(type) model=Sketchup.active_model entities=Sketchup.active_model.active_entities @dbe_door_height=2.m if not @dbe_door_height @dbe_window_height=135.cm if not @dbe_window_height @dbe_sill_height=1.m if not @dbe_sill_height org_face=model.selection[0] model.start_operation "Door-window by reveal" if model.selection.empty? UI.messagebox("Empty selection: please select a vertical face.") return end if (model.selection.length !=1) UI.messagebox("Please select only ONE vertical face.") return end if (model.selection[0].class != Sketchup::Face) UI.messagebox("Please select a vertical face.") return end if org_face.normal.z>1e-012 or org_face.normal.z<-1e-012 UI.messagebox("Please select a VERTICAL face.") return end if org_face.outer_loop.edges.length != 4 UI.messagebox("Please select a RECTANGULAR vertical face.") return end # Parse edges edges=org_face.edges @verticals={} @horizontals={} edges.each do |e| if e.start.position.z==e.end.position.z @horizontals[e]=e.start.position.z else @verticals[e]=e.start.position.distance e.end.position end end # Dialog #puts "type " + type.inspect if type=="door" return if !dbe_door_height() else return if !dbe_window_height() end # heights control if type=="door" height_ok=false until height_ok if @dbe_door_height<@verticals.values.max #or (@dbe_sill_height+@dbe_window_height)<@verticals.values.max height_ok =true else UI.messagebox("Incorrect height for this door.\nPlease set it to a lower value than " +@verticals.values.max.to_s) return if !dbe_door_height() end end end if type=="window" heights_ok=false until heights_ok if (@dbe_sill_height+@dbe_window_height)<@verticals.values.max heights_ok =true else UI.messagebox("Incorrect heights for this windows.\nSum of sill and window heights should'nt exceed " + @verticals.values.max.to_s) return if !dbe_window_height() end end end # Highest edge & lintel height high_edge=@horizontals.index(@horizontals.values.max) bottom_edge=@horizontals.index(@horizontals.values.min) lintel_height=@verticals.values.max-@dbe_door_height if type=="door" lintel_height=@verticals.values.max-(@dbe_window_height+@dbe_sill_height) if type=="window" # New face of lintel p1=high_edge.start.position p2=high_edge.end.position p3=Geom::Point3d.new(p1.x,p1.y,(p1.z-lintel_height)) p4=Geom::Point3d.new(p2.x,p2.y,(p2.z-lintel_height)) # Mid point of lintel v=p2.vector_to p3 v.length=v.length/2.0 mid=p2.offset(v) # Opening width v_norm=org_face.normal touch=model.raytest([mid,v_norm]) if touch same_object=true hitpoint=touch[0] hit_obj=touch[1] if hit_obj.length>1 hit_face=hit_obj.last hit_parent=hit_obj[0] if not hit_parent.entities.include? org_face same_object=false end else hit_parent=hit_obj.last hit_face=hit_obj.last end width=mid.distance hitpoint if width > 200 go=UI.messagebox("Suspicious door width found: " + width.to_s + "\nProceed ?",MB_OKCANCEL) return nil if go==2 end case hit_parent.typename when "Face" if org_face.normal!=hit_face.normal.reverse UI.messagebox("Opposite reveal not parallel to selected face. Aborting...") return nil end else if same_object==false UI.messagebox("Cannot find opposite wall,\nobstructive "+hit_parent.typename+" found on layer "+hit_parent.layer.name+ ".\nPlease hide it and retry.") return end end else UI.messagebox("No opposite wall to connect lintel.") return nil end new_face=entities.add_face p1,p2,p4,p3 if touch and same_object==true v2=new_face.normal v2.length=width new_face.pushpull width else UI.messagebox("Cannot pushpull lintel.") end #Redraw these fucking remaining edges to better kill them e1=entities.add_line(p1.offset(v2),p2.offset(v2)) e2=entities.add_line(p1.offset(v2),p3.offset(v2)) e3=entities.add_line(p2.offset(v2),p4.offset(v2)) e1.erase! e2.erase! e3.erase! if type=="window" # New face of sill p1=bottom_edge.start.position p2=bottom_edge.end.position p3=Geom::Point3d.new(p1.x,p1.y,(p1.z+@dbe_sill_height)) p4=Geom::Point3d.new(p2.x,p2.y,(p2.z+@dbe_sill_height)) # Mid point of sill v=p2.vector_to p3 v.length=v.length/2.0 mid=p2.offset(v) # Opening width touch=model.raytest([mid,v_norm]) if touch same_object=true hitpoint=touch[0] hit_obj=touch[1] if hit_obj.length>1 hit_face=hit_obj.last hit_parent=hit_obj[0] #if not hit_parent.entities.include? org_face #same_object=false #end else hit_parent=hit_obj.last hit_face=hit_obj.last end width=mid.distance hitpoint if width > 200 go=UI.messagebox("Suspicious window width found: " + width.to_s + "\nProceed ?",MB_OKCANCEL) return nil if go==2 end case hit_parent.typename when "Face" if v_norm!=hit_face.normal.reverse UI.messagebox("Opposite reveal not parallel to selected face. Aborting...") return nil end else if same_object==false UI.messagebox("Cannot find opposite wall,\nobstructive "+hit_parent.typename+" found on layer "+hit_parent.layer.name+ ".\nPlease hide it and retry.") return end end else UI.messagebox("No opposite wall to connect linter.") return nil end new_face=entities.add_face p1,p2,p4,p3 if touch and same_object==true v2=new_face.normal v2.length=width new_face.pushpull width else UI.messagebox("Cannot pushpull sill.") end #Redraw these fucking remaining edges to better kill them e1=entities.add_line(p1.offset(v2),p2.offset(v2)) e2=entities.add_line(p1.offset(v2),p3.offset(v2)) e3=entities.add_line(p2.offset(v2),p4.offset(v2)) e1.erase! e2.erase! e3.erase! end # if window model.commit_operation end def dbe_door_height @dbe_door_height=2.m if not @dbe_door_height prompt=["Door height: "] value=[@dbe_door_height] results=inputbox prompt,value,"Door height" puts results.inspect return false if !results @dbe_door_height=results[0] end def dbe_window_height @dbe_window_height=135.cm if not @dbe_window_height @dbe_sill_height=1.m if not @dbe_sill_height prompts=["Sill height: ","Window height: "] values=[@dbe_sill_height,@dbe_window_height] results=inputbox prompts,values,"Window heights" return false if !results @dbe_sill_height=results[0] @dbe_window_height=results[1] end def valid_door_selection s=Sketchup.active_model.selection return false if s.length!=1 return false if s[0].typename!="Face" return false if s[0].normal.z>1e-012 or s[0].normal.z<-1e-012 return false if s[0].outer_loop.edges.length != 4 return true end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # add menu items if !file_loaded?(__FILE__ ) dbe_menu=UI.menu("Tools").add_submenu("Door/Window by reveal") dbe_menu.add_item("Door") { dbe_by_embrasure "door"} dbe_menu.add_item("Window") { dbe_by_embrasure "window" } dbe_menu.add_separator # Context menu UI.add_context_menu_handler do |menu| if( valid_door_selection ) menu.add_separator menu.add_item("Door by reveal") { dbe_by_embrasure "door" } menu.add_item("Window by reveal") { dbe_by_embrasure "window" } menu.add_separator end end end file_loaded(__FILE__ )
It seems that no one has fixed this plugin -
It doesn't work in v2024 [various errors], e.g.Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method 'index' for {#Sketchup::Edge:0x0000019daaeab1b0=>0.0, #Sketchup::Edge:0x0000019daaeab160=>39.37007874015748}:Hash>
C:/Users/TIG/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2024/SketchUp/Plugins/GEIS_door_lintel2.rb: 100:in 'dbe_by_embrasure'
C:/Users/TIG/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2024/SketchUp/Plugins/GEIS_door_lintel2.rb: 274:in `block in <top (required)>'@Didier-Bur also obfuscates his code, so without arduously repacking it back into RB code it'd be difficult to say what the issues are...
So many experts, no one can fix this plugin
The forum is no longer the same as before -
@Didier-Bur needs to fix this - it's his baby...
Hi all,
My baby is quite old now
Here is the non-encrypted version. Please unpack in your Plugins dir.
No update because I haven't SU2024.
Regards,DBUR_Lines2Tubes.zip -
Me again,
Same goes for door_lintel.rb -
Didier, thanks for sharing.
Thank you to Didier Bur for the source code, which successfully fixed the work in 2024 and modified the multi-faceted selection stretching.
Thank you again, Didier Bur