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  • Overflow bug?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Probably the result of dividing by "almost zero". Which in turn could result from a floating point roundoff error.
  • Intersect_with problems

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Weird indeed but moving the prism up 1mm solves the problem.
  • .edges returns a face

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Dan - the bug came immediately after: if e.is_a? Sketchup::Edge ... it was very strange, and as I said, happened once in a great while - I couldn't figure out how to make it happen on command.
  • Basics - creating components and pushpull direction

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Getting there... When you make a new definition add geometry to it immediately. Empty definitions/groups don't survive in code... Try something like: unless unit_block=def_list["unit_block"] unit_block=def_list.add("unit_block") ### add geometry to unit_block.entities ### add description to unit_block.description ### etc end ### now add instance, knowing the definition exists and has geometry which might be clearer? You don't need to add geometry to the component if it already exists ! Another tip - use Timber.new(bPD,bPW,bPL) not Timber.new (bPD,bPW,bPL) don't leaves a space in front of the arguments' ()
  • Puzzling position of axes when inserting a component

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    9 Posts
    Dan RathbunD
    @tim said: ..., for this case as an example, one could actually create a blank page and set it up as needed rather than having a rather cockeyed 'new' message that actually creates, does setup that isn't wanted and then leaves one to work out how much to undo… right now it isn't 'new' but 'copy'. Well we are supposed to be able to do this with the flags argument in the add() method. see page.update() for an explanation of the flags. What it is missing, is a camera argument. It assumes you wish to copy the current view.camera So you have to modify the new page's view / camera after it is created. (It gets set to the current selected page, whether you want this or not.)
  • Curved surfaces with Ruby

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    8 Posts
    @alexmojaki said: Also glad to understand what soft and smooth edges are. For a detailed breakdown of what each property does (soft and smooth has very distinct functions) check out this article: http://www.thomthom.net/thoughts/2012/06/soft-vs-smooth-vs-hidden-edges/
  • Multiple attribute dictionaries created

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    6 Posts
    Dan RathbunD
    @archidave said: ... Since I was thinking along these lines, I was expecting the attribute dictionaries to behave in a similar way to creating instance variables; ... Nothing is stopping you from doing so. You can create a custom class (within your plugin namespace module,) for a Wall, that has instance variables, that are loaded from an entity's attribute dictionary. If you just save the values as an array, into a single attribute, you can use Ruby's iterator loops or methods, to load the values into instance variables. So the names of instance variables, are defined by a literal array inside your class, an the initialize method iterates this array, matching it's indexes, with the indexed values in the dictionary array. module ACME module BIMinator DictName = 'ACME_BIMinator' class Wall Atts = [;area,;thickness,;paint] attr_accessor( *Atts ) # expand array Atts to parameter list def initialize(entity) @prop = entity.get_attribute(ACME;;BIMinator;;DictName, 'properties') Atts.each_with_index {|att,i| method("#{att.to_s}=").call(@prop[i]) } end end # class end # BIMinator end SO.. the actual attribute names are defined in ONE place, your custom class.
  • Vertical anchoring of 3D text

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    @tig said: The text-string affects the result. "V\nE\nR\nT\nI\nC\nA\nL" V E R T I C A L That did it! thank you so much!
  • How to get entities from selection?

    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    Sample test model?
  • Get Current Axes Position/Orientation

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    @dan rathbun said: Just a note, that in playing around (I did not realize this before,) that custom "User" Axes can be saved within a ScenePage. Yea, I often set up Scenes that adjust just the axis. All though, with SU8 now automatically adjusting the model axis to match component axis there's less need of it for my use. Works well when you have a building with axis in various directions.
  • Calculate edge "profiles"?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    TIG, your profetional! Everything works, the way you said [attachment=1:ylsl8vni]<!-- ia1 -->SelectEdgesInProfiles.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:ylsl8vni] Here's a little plug I've got for a little testing. [attachment=0:ylsl8vni]<!-- ia0 -->SelectEdgesInProfiles.rb<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:ylsl8vni] %(#00BF00)[Select Edges in Profiles Date - Monday, July 16, 2012 Version 1.0.1 Main thing on how to locate the edges in profiles is by TIG Written by Anton Synytsia Not a plugin, but written for simple use of testing Menu Location: UI_menu:plugins/selectEdgesInProfiles Usage: Select grp(s) or/and component instance(s) and then select the menu item Yet, Unsolved bugs: Selects edges that camera doesn't sees. TIG.getEdges function doesn't yet search the group for edges found inside the parent group.] Changes: Fixed the selection of edges behind the faces, the edges that camera doesn't even sees. Save to Plugins directory
  • Find point, axis and a rotation angle

    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    There are several Examples of Tool .rb files shipped with Sketchup - e.g. LineTool. These will show how to construct and then call a Tool class, which then has access to lots of methods relating to user input - mouse, keys etc - without you having to reinvent them from scratch... Also see the API docs... https://developers.google.com/sketchup/docs/ourdoc/tool
  • How to add an entity to entities?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    @thomthom said: You're aware of the API documentation, right? https://developers.google.com/sketchup/docs/classes The Entities class has many method to add entites - depending what you want to add: https://developers.google.com/sketchup/docs/ourdoc/entities You're not talking about adding an existing entity to a different Entities collection? I am sorry I made a mistake about the concepts of Sketchup::Entity and Sketchup::ComponentInstance. I have two car models, and I should use entities.add_instance to add a car.
  • How to get the center of a ComponentDefinition array?

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    @tig said: If you meant ComponentInstance then they each have bounds. Make a new empty bounding-box object [ bb], and then add each of the instance.bounds to that bb.add(instance.bounds). The center is bb.center......... Thanks for your tip. I will test the code.
  • VCB greyed out

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Dan RathbunD
    Duke, ya need to get your files and folders organized (so you stop using global variables.) Separate the code into 3 files, thus: file: "Plugins/CKD_Thicken_ext.rb" ### # "Plugins/CKD_Thicken_ext.rb" require('sketchup.rb') require('extensions.rb') module CKD module Thicken @@plugin = SketchupExtension.new "Thicken", "CKD/Thicken/CKD_Thicken.rb" @@plugin.version = '1.0' @@plugin.creator = 'CKD (aka "Duke")' @@plugin.copyright = '2012, CKD' @@plugin.description = 'Uses JPP to thicken the select face/s directly or inside the selected groups' Sketchup.register_extension( @@plugin, true ) end # module Thicken end # module CKD file: "Plugins/CKD/CKD_module.rb" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Plugins/CKD/CKD_module.rb" module CKD @@topmenu = UI.menu('Plugins') @@submenu = @@topmenu.add_submenu('CKD') @@menuitem = {} def self.menuitem() return @@menuitem end def self.submenu() return @@submenu end def self.topmenu() return @@topmenu end end # module CKD file: "Plugins/CKD/Thicken/CKD_Thicken.rb" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Plugins/CKD/Thicken/CKD_Thicken.rb" require('sketchup.rb') require('jointpushpull.rb') require('CKD/CKD_module.rb') module CKD;;Thicken @@tool = nil class ThickenTool def initialize(caller_class) @caller = caller_class @thickness = 100.mm end def activate @model = Sketchup.active_model @selected = @model.selection Sketchup.set_status_text("Thickness", SB_VCB_LABEL) Sketchup.active_model.active_view.invalidate end def deactivate(view) view.invalidate @model = nil @selected = nil end def resume(view) @model = Sketchup.active_model @selected = @model.selection Sketchup.set_status_text("Thickness", SB_VCB_LABEL) Sketchup.active_model.active_view.invalidate end def suspend(view) nil end def onUserText(text, view) UI.messagebox("what") # call method thicken() here ? end def enableVCB? return true end def thicken model.start_operation("Thicken") # # change model here # model.commit_operation rescue Exception => e model.abort_operation puts("Thicken Error!\n#{e.message}") puts(e.backtrace) end end #Class ThickenTool class << self # Proxy class def tool() if @@tool.nil? @@tool = CKD;;Thicken;;ThickenTool.new(self) end # return @@tool # end end # Proxy class # RUN ONCE unless file_loaded?( 'CKD;;Thicken' ) CKD;;menuitem["Thicken"]= CKD;;submenu.add_item("Thicken") { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool( CKD;;Thicken;;tool ) } file_loaded( 'CKD;;Thicken' ) end end # module CKD;;Thicken
  • List of keyboard keys constants

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Thanks for your answer TIG, using non modifier keys is indeed a bad idea inside a tool, because they are already bound to lots of different tools. I also discovered that the int values corresponding to keystroke can be accesed like this valueFor_W_Key = ?W a bit weird, but it works. I ended up not using keys
  • Modifying or extending SU native tools

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Dan RathbunD
    Most of the native tool ids are defined as global constants, that begin with "CMD_" List them, at the Ruby Console: Object.constants.grep(/CMD/).sort The tool state integers vary from tool to tool, and some tools do not use them at all.
  • How to upload skp to server by ruby plugin?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Dan RathbunD
    There are already several Ruby bindings written for curl. http://rubygems.org/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=curl Maybe one could be made to work under SketchUp ??
  • Wrap gem under own namespace

    0 Votes
    14 Posts
    The string you feed create_makefile should relate to the init function in your C extension. As you see from the Hello World example, extconf contains this: create_makefile( 'SX_HelloWorld' ) And in the C source you have the init function: void Init_SX_HelloWorld( void ) Note how "Init_" is prepended of the name you feed makefile - and it's case sensitive. @anton_s said: change the vcvars32.bat path to your current vcvars32.bat path, and run it to compile. I have found after making the tutorial that it is easier to just launch the command prompt shortcut that ships with Visual Studio. It's there in it's folder in the start menu. The environment is set up automatically.
  • Can you adjust the &quot;strength&quot; of a transformation?

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    The object's 'position' is relatively easy to find - it's just the t=object.transformation.to_a for the xyx point as an array of the last few elements thus: point=[t[-4],t[-3],t[-2]]... OR transformation.origin ! The transformation's scale and rotation interact with each other, so they are much more complex to extract from the transformation array... but not impossible - there are already some earlier post discussing this...
