@mike amos said:
It looks as though rendering is going through a once a decade shift, so many ?AI? render sites/programs etc are coming on stream so the next basic toolset might just include a bluddy dictionary........
How many old stle render resources will still be here within the next two years? Twilight is gone now and others like Maxwell have glacial development lead times while the current ethos appears to be constant change.
This is one of the main reason why I'm more and more specializing in very specific stuff, detailed/animated objects, custom shapes and textures, optimized models for VR/AR/realtime/web, teaching 3d for VR developers and all this kind of technical-oriented stuff.
Where i live the "classic" render market is already bloated with people working fast, but at really bad quality and underwaged, possibly cracking software and avoiding taxes in most cases.
So i think AI will make not a big difference for me (at least in the next few years), right now is a problem of those sloppy "collegues".
I'm done with that market, their analog stupidity has already screwed that well before AI was even a thing.
The only option I found to survive is doing those "hard" stuff that they can't or want not learn to do.. I hardly recall the last time I did a "classic" architectural still render