@edson said:
Would you suggest a free and easy-to-use alternative?
if you would have done what I've described above (and what you've claimed) you should have DraftSight already on your system?
@edson said:
Would you suggest a free and easy-to-use alternative?
if you would have done what I've described above (and what you've claimed) you should have DraftSight already on your system?
@edson said:
On the other hand, the same file can be imported into 2017!
SU v2018 does contain a revamped resp. rewritten DXF/DWG interface sothat the behaviour might be different to the previous SU versions using the Teigha Toolkit.
Open with the free Teigha Viewer and save down to the R2000 version format. If this doesn't help, open in a CAD system as e.g. the free DraftSight version, select all, explode once and save.
And claim the problem to Trimble via the SU forum too.
@juanv.soler said:
...by copying it all...
switch on all layers and unhide everything before doing that.
@l i am said:
Now every time I download from 3D warehouse it opens in 2018, but I want it to open in 2017. If I download in SU 18 and save as 2017 it says the file was made in a later version and will not let me open it.
you can download several SU format versions incl. SU v2017 directly from the 3DWH by opening the detail page of the component.
"File > Save as..." from inside SU v2018 to the file format version of an older version as e.g. 2017 should always work, try again.
The file association of the SKP file format is assigned to the SU version installed latest. Formerly the SU version used latest grabs the file association again but this might be Windows only and/or not be valid any more? Installing SU v2017 again should fix this behaviour anyhow.
@dprince said:
I was thinking about windows because everybody says windows is the better option
depends, if you are accustomed to Mac OS and have a lot of applications as well as knowledge migrating to another operating system should be thoughtful evaluated.
But Windows hardware is a bit cheaper (besides high-end) and options concerning available CPUs/GPUs broader.
Looking for a 'Gamer' notebook is regularly a good recommendation because a dedicated graphics card intergrated. A system of the big three (HP, Lenovo, Dell) will typically work, Asus and Acer might be alternative options.
Lots of notebook reviews here.
P.S.: don't full-quote
@dik harrison said:
... but I finally looked at what it would take to upgrade my 2017SU, ...$240 is more than I'm willing to fork over now...
if an upgrade does cost U$ 240.- (= maintenance lapsed more than 1 year) you initially did not have bought 2017 but an older version and got one or two new major releases for free during the maintence period...
... be aware, that if the maintenance lapses more than 3 years no further upgrade will be possible, i.e. upgrading requires to buy a full new license.
Windows or macOS?
Modeling performance relies on CPU, CPU, CPU (single thread), a halfway recent high-clocked intel Core i5/i7 is fine.
For the GPU and if for Windows strive for a medium-sized nVidia GT(X) 1050/1060 (or the predecessors 950/960).
8-16 GB RAM (depends on model size and a rendering requirement as well as if an upgradeable or closed device) should suffice. A SSD as the system medium is recommended, if big enough a second HDD is often not required.
@philw said:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 vs. Nvidia Quadro M2000
additionally, a Quadro M2000 is much slower than a GTX 1070... don't buy.
If you need more performance invest in a high-clocked CPU and don't use high-poly components during modeling, i.e. move to a dedicated layer and switch off or do use proxy components during modeling which can be swapped to the full-blown components when modeling is finished:
with SketchUp Pro 2018 a workaround for testing purposes is available.
In connection with a SketchUp Pro 2018 default program installation issue the following command at the Windows 10 command line ("Windows Search: CMD"):
"C;\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2018\jsonpatcheditor.exe" Preferences WorkaroundDrawXorRectUseGLFlushNotFlushDraw b true
If installed to a different program directory adjust the path accordingly.
Close SU before patching resp. restart for taking the setting into effect.
For removing the setting use:
"C;\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2018\jsonpatcheditor.exe" Preferences WorkaroundDrawXorRectUseGLFlushNotFlushDraw r
Reference (see section "Miscellaneous")
@juju said:
@l i am said:
...if you wanted to upgrade to the latest version of SU (2018 Pro) then you would not be paying the full US$695?
depends, since June of this year if the maintenance runtime is expired since more than 3 years an upgrade is not available any more, i.e. buying a new license required.
@bryan k said:
I work a lot of short term contract.
= commercial use = SU Pro version required (pun intented) = Make discontinued (q.e.d.)
@ben ritter said:
...stating that 2017 would become inoperative after 30 days.
meant are additional activations which actually are not possible since day zero now (see above), do not deactivate resp. activate all 2017 program installations before activating version 2018... after the 30 day trial if unsure how rev. 2018 performs.
@ben ritter said:
...why won't it be possible to have 2017 and 2018 reside on the computer at the same time?
it can and should be installed side-by-side sothat you are able doing a fallback to version 2017 if required because e.g. plugins are not compatible (yet).
Actually do not deactivate product activations of existing previous versions because they cannot be reactivated after activating SU 2018 again even on the same system! Use the 30 day trial runtime before activating a new version anyhow.
@ntxdave said:
How do I get the new one? My maintenance fee was paid in June.
depends where you have bought, i.e. directly from Trimbel or from a local reseller, in the first case Trimble will email you the new license data soon if not already done, in the latter the local reseller... which may need some hours resp. until tomorrow... they do have a lot of work today