Like this for exemple:
Camtasia Studio
Dimensions: 320 x 240 pixels
record: 18 f/s
produced as: Gif > loop indefinitly
TotalSize: 82ko
SketchUp: Standard Style
Like this for exemple:
Camtasia Studio
Dimensions: 320 x 240 pixels
record: 18 f/s
produced as: Gif > loop indefinitly
TotalSize: 82ko
SketchUp: Standard Style
Dear Daniel,
Great idea!
You are certainly not going to accomplish all this work by yourself. This would be too much!
Please give us here a convention to do the same as you made these first ones. In order why we will be able to post here our prefered ones..
--/ Hope i'm not going too far from this thread /--
@matt666 said:
Just construction points? You can try native Su tool! GO to Edit menu / Delete guides.
good tip: it is something I had forgotten.. > but the construction lines and points, they are all deleted from the overall model. Something we want not to be each time.
@matt666 said:
You can also copy this code below () in the ruby console... It will delete all construction points in the selection.
This is just the good code: construction lines remain and every construction point inside selection are removed. Would you please make it as a .rb dear Matt? (I'm complet ignorant upon this ). It would be so greatfull!
I'm actually working with arc tool (on surface).
May be I have missed something. I would like to remove all the construction points in one operation when the drawing is finished but i don't know how to do..
Gaieus, Malaise, I can't wait until my next post to reply for your kindness pleased me so.
I know myself as a spare time SketchUp user. But i can bring to this fine community my small stone, my energy, my curiosity and a little bit more maybe..
Bravo Matt !!
at the very beginning of my learning SketchUp, I was surprised not to have this feature at disposal. And then I was accustomed to always recall my tools. And Here comes your ruby. It is as if suddenly we had won a great lightness. (F2 is great)
it already belongs to my toolbox.
Merci à vous Matt, Sonneur et Pilou. Venant de vous, cela me touche d'autant plus.
C'est agréable de temps en temps d'intervenir en français. On s'arrache un peu moins les cheveux à éviter le contresens qui tue.
Sinon, il est vrai que souvent, rien est mieux qu'une petite vidéo pour expliquer quelques choses. Par contre pour produire cette vidéo, cela nécessite une vraie recherche, un vrai apprentissage et j'avoue que c'est encore très laborieux pour moi de réussir à faire un tout petit truc un peu propre. D'autant que le matériel a du mal à suivre: bugs et compagnie. Quand je serai au point, je ferai un sujet là dessus pour vous dégrossir le terrain.
@unknownuser said:
Tiens !!
pour une fois j'ai kk chose à dire :
- Si c'est juste pour continuer l'arc : tu reprends l'outil arc, tu te mets au bout de celui dessiné et SU te propose une infinité d'arcs variés, tangents au premier, de longueur et rayons différents.
ma petite contribution:
Tant qu'on dessine une courbe dans un plan, le moteur d'inférence de SketchUp est très solide. Par contre il devient très fragile dès lors qu'on se lance dans une courbe 3D. Et l'inférence tangentielle alors si nécessaire se perd définitivement à la moindre hésitation de manipulation.
Mais j'ai trouvé un truc..
fr_3d_grid.rb , Weld v.3.00 , Lines to tubes
exercice tiré de:
;-)better joke Boo!
Trying another one(less and less sure): "Hey! Obama is at the swimming pool"
trying my first joke in english: (i'm not sure of the result)
"This picture is absolutely not funny but i don't know why, it makes me love"
do not miss the Big Picture from The Boston Globe
Site is run by Alan Taylor, developer for the Boston Globe's website. The majority of the images come from companies like the AP, Reuters and Getty Images and from public domain sources like NASA, and others from private photographers
thank you chango70 to come and give us your enthusiasm.
dearGaieus, hope you fell good. So kind to you to notice my absence as well as my return..I was not far from SCF, i alway have continued to go around with the forum.
thank you Pilou to help me learn a little more. Here is a small video made with what i've found with your Phun links.
A total poetic fantasy from:
Téo Jansen
pictures and videos from Strandbeest,Théo Jansen's Home
I would like having one day the occasion to contemplate its wild creatures self animated by their own vitality, wander indefinitely along Netherlands' beaches.
StrandBeesten_Trailer. _ . _ .ads BMW Defining innovation
. _ . _ .
Explanations in TEDconference
If we can easily find T. Jansen's basic working of walking technique,
and an idea of the use of sails,
. _ .
i havn't found nothing on the storage and use of wind energy through soda bottles and pistons.
I think Théo Jansen's beache creatures will drive my first exercises with SketchyPhysics when i will begin with it..