We want BLOOD!
RE: Stonehenge Project
It's an incredible work.
Do you have plans for the original Stonehenge?
RE: Spanish Courtyard House
That is not a typical spanish house, but I would like to have one like that here, in Spain
It's beautifoul.
RE: Interesting links on the net
Incredible link!
Byzantium 1200
Byzantium 1200 is a project aimed at creating computer reconstructions of the Byzantine Monuments located in Istanbul, TURKEY as of year 1200 AD
But the best is the collection of links it has:
Byzantium 1200 is a project aimed at creating computer reconstructions of the Byzantine Monuments located in Istanbul, TURKEY as of year 1200 AD
The previous list:
http://www.ancientsites.com/xi/places/index.rage (offline while I write)
http://www.mirabiliaovetensia.com/ (the man that made it is a "friend" from another forums).
RE: [Plugin] Polyreducer 0.1
You could have earned some money! You know it. If you had developed the rb a bit more, you could have done a new plugin like subsmooth rb...
Thanks a lot. I don't have enough words.
RE: Polyreducer Experiments
@rayochoa said:
aw man dats tru. Could you maybe make this plug-in free?
If you want the plugin for free, start a new one yourself and make it free. Whaat has all the right to be paid if he wants. Not everybody will buy it, like me, but I see it right.
By the way, I remember saying this plugin would be very usefull for me, in fact I suggested Whaat to make it, but I am not going to buy it as everything I do untill now is for free, with free tools. But that is my problem, I would NEVER complaint. In fact I must congratulate Whaat for his work. And I hope he sells a lot.
RE: SU2KT 3.1 Beta - update 25th May 2008
Oh my god!
My old export of the model of the Roman Theatre of Cartagena was 12 hours.
Now it has been done in 2 minutes
The model has 2001004 faces. It's a fantastic work! Congratulations!
RE: Major bug?
I Believe that Matrix has broken and you are the only one that can see it, the choosen one.
Masta, take the blue pill. Have a happy life and don't fight with the Agent Smith.
(I hope you can fix your problem)...
RE: Pont du Gard
By the way Julius, you are from Italy. I am from Spain.
What the... hell are we doing modelling in France?
RE: Are you ready for SketchUp 7 news?
That photo makes me feel as if I were on an aeroplane, and suddenly it crashes in a desert island full of mysteries...
RE: Pont du Gard
Much better
There is a lost single line at the bottom of the model, under an arc.
RE: Pont du Gard
My english is rusty and limited.
I don't forgive. I forget.
I don't want congratulations and things like that, and I forget to say it to the people.
That's what I wanted to say.
RE: Pont du Gard
Everything is fantastic!
Forgive me, when I upload a render, what I want is that people tell me what mistakes I have done. I don't want congratulations and things like that, and I forgive to say it to the people.
But is going to be one of the more visited models of 3D Warehouse. Congratulations
You must inform the owner of the group of UNESCO sites to add your model:
It's one of the most interesting collections I have seen in 3D Warehouse.
RE: Turbofan jet
I studied thermodinamics and turbofans in the university. Your model needs a combustion chamber, but is nice.
RE: Pont du Gard
Julius, the first arc I "visited":
I believe that it is a mistake...
RE: Are you ready for SketchUp 7 news?
I hope it can manage better very big models. Anyway I can't wait for the new version
RE: SU maps
I don't know. And I don't know programming
For me, contouring and volume measuerement would be interesting. There are some non sketchup free aplications (I am remembering one, in spanish only, sorry) that turn the points into contour lines and export the lines to dxf.
Another interesting aplication would be to import or draw the contour lines, to create a cloud of points based on the lines, and to export the points. Using a map as a basis to create the contour lines would be very interesting (raster to vect software, I believe they are called).
RE: SU maps
Yes, I started to explore the script, but (forgive me if I don't remember details, it was an evening some months ago) I believe that I remember that the amount of points I can use (3.000-4.000) was too much for sketchup. Contouring it is a good idea. I think that there is some potential in sketchup in this area, but this is a software mainly used by architects, but not by engineers. Sketchup for me is a hobby... so I am not an architect
RE: SU maps
It would be curious to see topographical aplications of sketchup. I tried to import a cloud of points before, but I couldn't find a easy way of doing that and measure volumes.
RE: Pont du Gard
@frederik said:
If it doesn't breach any copyright issues, I have no problem doing it for you...
I don't know how it may break any copyright issues. The model is made by me, it is freely downloadable from 3D Warehouse, all the images for the textures have authorization of use by their owners...
Anyway I won the prize and I am going to Orange at the end of the month. I'll take a lot of photos, I may even use my own textures
France must be frightened. Pichuneke arrives