Sorry to bother again...
I have another tricky question: I have issues trying to report attributes assigned to COPIES of the original instance. I mean: the fields areactually correclty compiled but the native reporting tool keeps only the result of the "original" instance.
I attach my component (which I'm particularly proud of, maybe naively...).
You can spot the issue, for example, if you change the size of the main component eg to 150x100cm. In this case I replicate the inner "Riser_strutt.quadrotta", and the copy is resized to 100x50. If you now enter the component you will see that the copy of the original instance has a "COMP_FIN" attribute changed to 50x100 (dimensions of the tile after the copy).
If I generate report using the "8_PRELIEVO" template, I get a quantity of 2 on the string of "quadrotta truciolare Riser", and the "comp_fin" field still reports "100x100".
Is there a way I can make this work? or is it impossible?
In this second case, my solution would be NOT to modify the copy of the original instance but instead include an invisible pre-set 100x50 component, appearing in the right places(s) when needed... Could this work?
pedana Riser struttura.skp