Interesting. I just installed the version from the link massimo provided and everything seems to be working fine. Thanks lots guys!!! Still not sure why I didnt get the latest version when I reinstalled from the kerky site 3 weeks ago.
RE: Partial transparent material
RE: Partial transparent material
Mine is 3.0 6th oct 2007. I just reinstalled it not sure why mine would be even older than yours.
RE: Partial transparent material
Copying the png. into the folder seems to be working
. Thanks for the help gents. Once again you guys have proven why this is one of my favorite forums.
RE: Partial transparent material
It should be the latest. I just reinstalled it 3 weeks ago. What is the latest version and how do I check my current version?
RE: Partial transparent material
Here is a screen shot from Kerky and a simple model with the material
RE: Partial transparent material
it's a texture in SU.
RE: Partial transparent material
Ok I dont have the option for alpha channel under bitmap options.
Partial transparent material
Hi all,
It's been quite some time since I have been on here but I am back and have a question about material creations. I have created a material which is basically a type of perforated steel plate. The material I created works well in SU (I know it needs a little work but for now it does the job) The problem I am encountering is when I bring it into kerkythea the transparent potion renders as solid white. How would I go about keeping the transparent portion in Kerky?
How do I model this?
Hi everyone.
It's been quite some time since I have been on this site but I have gotten some GREAT advice and help from all of you in the past so this is the first place I thought of when I ran into this problem.
I am attempting to model a building which is clad and organized by 4' copper strips and I have no idea how to go about doing it. I have found a model similar to what I am trying to do but I cant figure out how that person did it. The link is listed below. Could one of you fantastic guru's take a look and give me some ideas?
Perk -
RE: Problems with SU7
Thank you guys
I did find that there were several double lines in the cad file. Unfortunatley this is a project with multiple people working on it so I am getting work from people of varying skill levels. I also am unable to download plugins to this computer because it is a work computer and I dont have admin rights but I will get these plugins for my own laptop.
Jim, you helped me A LOT!!! THANKS I have been banging my head trying to get this working.
RE: Problems with SU7
I went through and deleted all the lines for the parking spaces thinking that it will reduce the file size and possible work better but now it is worse. can anyone figure out what is going on here?
Problems with SU7
I finally made the change to SU7 or should I say I was forced to make the change. I have been having several problems with 7 that I never had with 6. Attached is a model where I am attempting to drape cad lines onto a flat plane but many of the lines do not drape onto the surface and I have to go through and piece it all back together. I also have a model that completely disapears for no reason. Almost like a clipping problem.
RE: Sketchup for a livng?
I am an intern at an architecture firm. I would say that about 50% of the work I do here is with SU. So for me I am making $$ using it, however; as a whole it it only one of the many tools my co. uses.
RE: What does your nickname mean, and why do you use it?
My last name is Perkis. Since my first name is Jeff and there is ALWAYS another Jeff around my friends have been calling me Perk ever since I can remember.
Real scale figures
Does anyone know where I could purchase real scale figures? I recently build a 3/32 scale model and I am in need of scale figures to place on it (people, trees, cars, etc.) I am not looking for realistic looking figures that you would find on train sets only representational ones.
Thanks in advance
Basswood model
Does anyone know of a company in the Chicago area that makes basswood scale models? My boss wants me to get some quotes.
RE: Useful architectural details book
I have also found the Francis Ching has some similar books which are excellent!
RE: Drape Tool Problem
I've had some complex terrains which took over an hour to process.