I thought about that and I tried with no luck.
RE: Shadows
I have tried opening it through window->shadows and I have also tried opening it through the shadows toolbar. I have closed all other windows and minimised SU but theres nothing there. I don't know what to do
I am on a new laptop (HP, 4GB ram, Duo core, 2.2GHz, GeForce 8400) I cant seem to get the shadows dialog box to come up. I have the toolbar and I can turn shadows off/on, I can adjust the time of day and year with the slider bar but I can't get the dialog box. Is there a setting I missed to check in order to get this, or is there something wrong here.
Thanks in advance
Jeff -
RE: How to handle forum withdrawal symtoms?
I quit 4 1/2 years ago after smoking 1 1/2 packs a day for 15 years. Cold turkey was the best way for me. I found I had to say "I quit" in order to be successful. Every time I said "I am trying to quit" it was giving me the option to fail therefore giving my self an excuss when I did fail.
Copy tools from one comp to another
Tomorrow is my last day at my job since I am off to school. During my time here I have loaded numerous rubies and plugins on this computer but I dont have these on my laptop but want them. Is it as simple as copying my tools and pluging folders from here and pasting them into the appropriat folders on my laptop?
RE: Show me the fix.
I agree! I would love to know where and what the error is. I'd like to see if it is something I have done wrong or if it is just an error within SU.
RE: Contour Lines
There is a simple fix for this. Create a flat plane below the countours you just drew then use the drape tool to drape the coutours onto the flat surface. this will create a flattend version of the coutour lines you have.
Scale tool
Is there a ruby to scale an object without distoring its proportions? Example; I would like to scale a window without changing the dimentions of the mullions. I guess it could be something like the stretch tool in autocad where you select the sides you want stretched and everything else keeps its proportions.
RE: Stair ruby
Sorry modelhead
I know there are millions of ways to build stairs.
It's just that I am doing different stair studies for my boss and it is taking me a while to come up with several variations. I was hopeing that maybe someone out there has some sort of simple stair builder ruby so I could get through this a little quiker.
Stair ruby
Is there a ruby for building stairs anywhere? If not I would love it if one of you masters could whip one out.
RE: Raster to Vector Conversion Utility
Thanks dmatho. Can't wait to give it a try.
RE: Mirror Ruby?
You could make a copy then right click and flip along axis (whichever axis you need).
RE: [REQ] stitching aces together
I' not sure if this would work but I think the weld script might do what you are asking
RE: Portfolio tips
Sorry I didn't post my portfolio I tried to last night but the file is too large and I'm going to be busy the rest of this week but When I get time I will post it here for you. When do you need to have it done by?
RE: Portfolio tips
Also, How are you with Photoshop and Indesign? Those are some of the better programs to use for this type of work. Illistrator works weel too but I have never used it before.
RE: Portfolio tips
I just had a portfolio review on Thurs. and it went realy well. My suggestion is to keep it simple and to the point. Only use your best work, so you may need to be selective. I spent several months putting mine together. I started with a lot of images and pages, then narrowed it down over time. I dont have it on this computer but when I get home I wil post it for you to look at. I'd be happy to review and give comments on it so post stuff while your working on it.
RE: Colors appearing brighter at one angle
Try turning off "use sun for shading"