Try Eneroth Component Replacer
RE: Import multiple same components
RE: Push pull faces inside group/comp
how about scaling the group?, start then enter the new dimension and units, or match the inference
have you tested it with all the plugins disabled?
RE: Dynamic Component for holes
to create a DC hole that can be copied, one need to double wrap the hole in a cutting DC. Start with the first cutting component as you uploaded add a line, make both a cutting component, enter and delete line. Then the wrapped hole will cut as copied within the outer cutting face
RE: Erratic Duplication of Dynamic Components?
the wall component, although has a nested group, this group has no changing attributes. You will find any one level DC will not be made unique by SU operations unless you do, it is the nested changes that cause this. So one designs to take advantage of the differences. I make a complicated DC with various nesting able to be simplified via explode, outer shell to a one level component (which can be replaced with its original or another), so copies remain same, this has added advantages for material reports, file size, intellectual protection if shared, material painting....
RE: Auto Length
You could add a dimension within the component aligned with the face. Dimensions can be tweaked via the window/model info menu, select dimensions.
If you create a board component then you can scale to any other size by entering the measure followed by the units
To create a board where the material is not stretched after scaling, right click an make unique, and then right click and scale definition
Further more one can add a tag in the dimension followed by <> this will create a named item followed by the dimension
RE: Boolean Subtraction or ???
@sdmitch said:
What should the distance be from the end of the rebar to edge of the slab?
50mm or 2 inch
RE: Australian Victorian balustrade?
Outline the lace structure, push out 25mm, then add photo texture of the lace
RE: Dynamic mattress/bed Questions
so quite likely
=IF(or(Size = "King", Size = "Super King"),200,190)
RE: Auto Text Export
I believe that he is referring to an inserted excel table, and changing the cell reference to suit. I guess it is a possible workflow to excess stored data
RE: Insert Component by "Drawing"
See previous post "Revit-like Adaptive Component";t=63810
as a guide
RE: How to prevent texture from scaling
right click the component, then from the menu select make unique if there are other components at a different scale, and then select scale definition
RE: Round window won't cut opening
all you you need to do is delete the face at the cutter within the component
RE: How to use FIND() in an IF() statement
find needs to return a value, a position. so if if there is no match it fails. Since there is no error catch procedure, it is not possible to
IF(find("SINGLE",OPENING!TYPE)>0,FALSE,TRUE) unless "SINGLE" exists, can only be true or an error -
RE: Label <face area> adjust format?
in sketchup window/model info/units change the precision, save and update the layout model
RE: Any way to automatically label parts in a dynamic component?
this is a DC text changer to reflect the first five numbers or period of lenX, a bit involved, and could be fine tuned to only copy a digit if it exists more than once. However it depends on how the machining reacts to invisible entities.
try it and let us know if its worth pursuing
RE: Any way to automatically label parts in a dynamic component?
Hi John,
Would a dimension in line with the face (edited via window/model info / dimension) work?
example attachedPhilip
RE: Calculate Area of Shapes Made in Layout
another idea
export the layout as a dwg, open in a free or economical dwg program like draftsight, make one line entity a polyline, use command join and select the others to form the area. Area calculations done in properties.
Or (probably easier) one can transfer the required lines from paper space to model space, then save, import into sketchup, and change them to include surface (redraw a line) then use smart labels
RE: Any way to automatically label parts in a dynamic component?
Most likely the parts will be nested and hard to figure using the definition, so I would
- create DC and use the name to create a suitable identity and size.
2, use the onclick alert(name) to help identify the sizes/items in the model
3.create a quantity report based on name and quantity in the report writer, save to model (eventually make this file the working template)
4 have this sent to excel and use a VBA routine or formulas to tidy it up, sum like sizes
5, send model to layout, use smart labels to denote parts
6, with 2017, import the table, or a image if <2017
attached a quick example