Auto Text Export
Just wondering if anyone has figured out a way to automatically export auto text such as <PageName> and <PageNumber> to an excel file. It would be pretty useful when creating drawing lists across multiple LO files and pages.
I have not tried it yet, but I think this is what you are looking for, I know it's Vietnamese but it's easy to follow the video. guy is amazing, tell me if it works.
I believe that he is referring to an inserted excel table, and changing the cell reference to suit. I guess it is a possible workflow to excess stored data
The same guy also has a video in which he made a windows table by creating a report from those components. After the report is sent to excel, its imported to SU as a table. He also shown how to update the table after edit one of the components.
This is the video
Those videos are pretty useful, but not quite what I was looking for.
I would like to be able to export auto-text FROM layout to automatically update in an excel spreadsheet. This is the auto-text which is accessible under document setup.