Here is a quick study of the three types of tread extensions that are probably the most common. I can probably make this happen but it will have a number of new parameters in yet another sub-menu.
With the half and full round, the riser simply follows the nosing dimension, however with the square cut extension the amount of the riser extension could be independent.
For both the full and half round the radius of the curve is paramount but also the placement of the center of the curve in the Y direction (perpendicular to the stringers). The extension variable can be used for the Y-dir placement of the curve.
The round nosing makes things a bit interesting but that can also be dealt with by breaking things down into a piecemeal modeling algorithm and then using some boolean addition of solids.
The parameters shall be:
Tread Extension Options:
Extension Side: Both, Left, Right
Extension Type: Square, Round, Half Round
Tread Ext. Length: 10" etc... (this variable also sets Y placement of center of curve)
Riser Ext. Length: 8" etc... (only applies to the square ext.)
Extension Radius: 10" etc... (only applies to full or half round extension)
I never get a day of rest, maybe after this update I'll move back to the Floor plugin...