Would this be the best tool for...
-Imported CAD DWG (General Floor Plan) into sketchup 2016
-Most walls are not a single line from corner to corner but 15-20 segments from corner to corner.
-Can I window the entire drawing - Run the edge tool, and each wall run will just be single lines?
Thanks Mattee

RE: [Plugin] Edge Tools
Copy text along path
Does there exist a plugin that allows you to make some 3D text and copy it along a curve?
RE: 3D Model Shaping Advice ?
In the mean time, I think using "Artisan" is probably the way to go. So far it is working, I just need to learn how it works better. Thanks!
RE: 3D Model Shaping Advice ?
I bought a model. of the versions like MAX, FXB (whatever that is) and an OBJ format. I only know how to import the .OBJ files into sketchup. I use to know some 3DMAX people who could import a file, I think you can convert to quads in max? But that option is no longer available, especially now that I live in a "TECH Desert". Internet seems to be my only lifeline at the moment. I did a lot of "you must be crazy" cleanup of things, but not happy with some of the curves and trying to manipulate them one vertex at a time! (Yes I know I should be "committed" for such behavior). But, got to get er done, even if it is just through a "brute force" method. Thanks !!!
RE: 3D Model Shaping Advice ?
Thanks Rich, I tried Thom Thom's (Version 15) to convert tri's to quads, but nothing is happening? I don't mind buying a plugin if it really works, if that is the only way to go? Thanks again.
Matte -
3D Model Shaping Advice ?
Good day, I am one of those do everything the hard way kind of guys. So any advice for how a simple person might do the following would be greatly appreciated. I have a 3D Model of a car in Sketchup (2017 Pro). It's sort of "triangulated is some inefficient ways to manipulate. I modify small areas triangle by triangle (I Know this is a crazy way to do things). I have "Artisan" but haven't figured how to us it well yet, (I will be looking at lots of YouTube videos ASAP). The question I have is.... Can the model be ran through some type of ruby plugin to break the model into a nice pattern of quad meshes? I'm guessing this would make it easier (For Me) to manipulate the forms in a controlled manner the best for an old school beginner? Thanks for any help/education on how to understand a solution to my confusion.
Matte -
Face all Faces Out?
Hi All,
Is there a way to take a model with thousands of triangles.... 1/2 are facing "out" (White) and 1/2 are facing "In" (Backside Blue). Instead of spending a week reversing every face one by one... Is there a plugin that will make them all face the same way? Even if they all become "Backwards" (Blue), I can then just pick all and do a reverse face.
Thanks all for your help.
Matte -
Sketchup Icon Viewer
Good Day,
Over the years I have created an extensive Library of things to cut and paste into my models. It's large enough to the point to where I am having problems picking the "right" part in a timely manner. For example when I want to add a table light to a scene. Style is very important.... When I “open the folder” that I have all my table lights in… there is “70 or 80” to choose from. The way I input a “Light” now is insert them one by one till I find something suitable. What I would like to know…. Is there some form of an Icon viewer where when I open the folder in windows with many Sketchup items in there… I see what they are without having to open them up one by one till I find something usable.
Thanks Matte -
RE: True Layout Improvements?
Thanks Dave, I need to do some more on-line research. I was mainly curious about the text improvements... Like bullet modifications, indenting options, all the "normal" things. Not too much of a problem. If I set it all up in MS Word as best as I can, I can copy past, and try my best to tweak things around. Seems to be working well enough. Thank you for your advise, it is always quite valuable! But I guess my questions ar moot, as They will not sell me a newer version, I think 2017 pro version was the last time we had the freedom to do so?
Thanks Again !!!
Mattee -
True Layout Improvements?
Good Day to all, I have a Layout 2017 Pro.
Has there been a "radical" improvement in the "newest" version (2021?) Assuming you can buy it.... (I greatly dislike and stay clear of "subscription" versions).
So not sure if what I have is the last one we were allowed to buy?I am curious about major text editing things, like bullet type creation and spacing?
I muddle thru bullets by setting up in MS Word and cutting and pasting into Layout, sort of backwards way, but it does work.Or any other "must have" reason to spend the $$$ to "buy" (if allowed) a newer version?
Thanks to all for your advice !!!
Mattee -
RE: Change Case - Lower to all CAPS and Vise Versa
Nevermind - Found out it can be easily done in MS word!
Sorry for the bother. Mattee -
Change Case - Lower to all CAPS and Vise Versa
Good day to all,
I often have to cut and paste Lots of text from places to put into layout. Sometimes Pages of text are all ALL CAPS, sometimes all in lowercase. What is the best way to convert "ALL" from one to another? I remember back in the day, I could do something like this in AutoCAD. (But we don't use that here.)
Thanks, Matte -
RE: Line Crashes Sketchup - Solution
PS The centerLine part is not usually needed, once you erase the internal lines And the face is in a V shape, you can usually just move that up/down to make your rectangle.
Line Crashes Sketchup - Solution
Good Day All,
I posted something I erased because I thought the problem is limited to me only. after 3-4 months of struggling I found a work around! This is probably a boring ramble not worth you time, but this fight was been consuming me and finding a solution had to be vented!!! Here was the problem, if anyone EVER runs into this, I can help walk through it with you if my explanation is unclear.I created a "layer cake" stepped Topo. (Best for my needs) When I raise topo layer 1 foot above topo layer 0, Etc. A stepped topo is created. I have had MAJOR problems when lets say 1 of the horizontal rectangles is missing or I add "stuff" where a Horizontal piece is missing from the "ring" shape of that level. When I go from one corner point to the opposite side corner point..... The face is supposed to just fill in.... It crashes and kicks out of sketchup EVERY time! If really small drawing, I would just redraw it. But when you have a 40 or 50 MEG file with thousands of faces and only 20 or 30 areas of topo has this problem, not a desired choice.
Problem: (Vertical rectangle, Left + Vertical rectangle Right) We want to connect the dead space between the two with another Rectangle. "Normal" way... Draw line top Corner Rectangle Left to top Corner Rectangle right, Then the same on the bottom = Rectangle created.... NOT !!, computer crashes every time! Same for Horizontal surfaces!
Solution: (a few variations work, here is the WORST case scenario)
- Draw a line Top to opposite bottom corners between each "rectangle", (creating a "bow tie")
- Window the center crossing point, move strait (Down/Up, using down for this example) until lined up with the bottom of the side triangles, save,
- (Now we have a bottom line with two triangles going from this centerline to the top of each side rectangle)
- Draw a line from this bottom center midpoint strait up to height of side triangles,
- Draw lines from the center point of each of these triangles to the top on the centerline, erase all the internal lines, and center height line.
-(Should have a "W" looking face at top of this "rectangle) - Now window around each of the lower intersections of the "w" and move up until it aligns with the top of the side rectangles, save... You new have the most difficult way to make a simple stubborn rectangle.... But it DOES work.
I double this has any value to anyone, but I hope I am wrong. A rarely have much to share, so here is hopefully "something"!!
Mattee -
RE: Out of Memory
I'm only running 16 Meg. This machine is fine but a few strange things happen now and then. Not sure if it's too hot from long hours of use. It usually happens late in the day? Hasn't happened for a while. Might also been a "Too Big" file I was playing with a few weeks ago?
Matte -
Out of Memory
Good Day all,
When dealing with a model that is too big.... I more times than not, I run into an "out of memory" when trying to save. What is this caused by? The program, not enough RAM, to slow or not enough cores in the processor? I sort of understand these things at a really basic level, but not enough to know if the out of memory problem can be addressed by upgrades, or that i'll have to wait and make a careful choice of hardware when buying a new laptop in the distant future?
Thanks to all for you great advice!
Mattee -
RE: .shp file directly import into sketchup?
Thanks Glenn, I just downloaded the Spirix shapefile importer, I'll give it a go. If I have problems, I'll contact you if that is ok?
Thanks, Matte -
RE: Color By Layer
Thanks Dave, I took your advice and just threw everything on layer 0. Originally I did not want to do that because I thought... layer 1 was at elev 1 and layer 2000 represented elevation 2000 feet. But I noticed each "topo" line was not one number bigger or smaller to the ones next to it. So all elevation layer data from USGS had no value in their layer naming convention. So I am now making surfaces of each step and extrude all of them (all 2000!) one by one and see what I get? Then I can compare it to a really hodge podge set of separate area surface tiles I am hand stitching together, and plan to slice up the mix at the same 1 foot elevation intervals and compare the two. Unfortunately since I truly don't know what I am doing the accuracy will not be determinable, but we will see if it is good enough once we get there.
Thanks again for all your help, your advice is always "right on!
Matte -
Color By Layer
Good Day all, sorry for another simple question, but I have been "in mothballs" for the past few years, and trying to get back up to speed as fast as possible. The present question of the day is..... Can you change multiple Color by layers at the same time? I have 1 thousand or so layers (Topo Lines) that imported as GREEN, If I pick 0001, then Shift pick layer 2000 they (All Select/Highlight), when I pick on any one of them and change from green to Black, only that layer changes. As is obvious it would be a lot of work to change layer color one by one. My goal is to make them all black. Then later make every 10th layer Red for clarity. Thanks for the help!