Hi Dan and Chris. Thank you for your answers !
@chris said:
Well, those braces can be expanded to as many lines of code as you would like. You could write it like this:
Yes, but I wanted to have a automated method... no need to write Module::Sub_module.method, just copy a line that returns current method in the ruby console.
@dan said:
Why not just open the rb in an editor, and find the command in the file ?
that's what I do when I search the command. But I am not sure a "non-ruby" user could find this command easily.
@unknownuser said:
BTW.. sometimes there is good reason for a command to be kept private, a commercial plugin, or a Pro only plugin.
The writer of a plugin, has the right, to not allow their plugin (or it's tools,) to be called in ways that could defeat the license, or cause other problems.
I am not saying this bit of code MUST be inserting in each plugin, of course... Just for MY personal plugins, because I like transparency.. I just asked this forum if someone had a better (or a native) way to do like my little method...