Simple is good Dave:)
RE: My first Interior Render
Hi I accidently liked my own post, is there some way to correct?
RE: Emergency deadline help
Hi Rich thanks for getting back. To me "urgent" is like posting on youtube "new episode" it will be accurate for perhaps a week only then it will become misleading forever. I was thinking a skicky thread called "urgent deadline" or something like that. I know that it perhaps open to abuse by people who are simply impatent. Maybe somebody else can come up with a solution. Or hopefully it could rely on trust and individual integritty only.
Again just a thought bubble
RE: Black line Horizon
Oh, make sure if you do try the background image in SU, make sure the sky image does not have a Sun in it and the camera position is behind you. That will also add more definition to your model.
RE: Black line Horizon
Then do it another way. Build a vertical plane where the background would be in sketchup. Put the image on that plane. Then render that, have done it many times with good results.
Emergency deadline help
I have had issue in the past where I was working to a deadline and needed urgent assistance. Have just tried to assist somebody in the same position. I am sure many people here would understand how stressfull this situation is waiting for assistance especially in some timzones. Whilst the crowd here on Sketchucation are very responsive and helfull, l am wondering if practical, is there a way to flag your request for assistance as urgent?
Sure this could be abused and some self regulation would be encouraged.Just a thought bubble.
RE: Black line Horizon
Dont know if this helps but i had the same problem once. IT DROVE ME CRAZY. After some time I found that it was a stray section plane that the render engine did not like. Worth a try.
Could you upload the model?A work around would be a static background. That would work for sure, but you would need to modify your Sun direction.
Difficulties with loading plugins
Hi all, I have been downloading a few plugins (from sketchucation) but of late am having difficulty. The extension manager says they are "unsigned" and do not load. However if you look at my screenshot you will see Shapebender is unsigned but actually loaded and works! Bezier does not give me the option to uninstall but after repeated attempts to load it again will not load. I get "there is one extension that needs to be updated open extension manager to update. The only one that shows up that needs to be updated according to the extension manager is Artisan which works fine. I am getting confused, can anyone assist?
Shape bender issues
Hi all, I just downloaded CFL Shape Bender and am getting unexpected results. Am using SU 17 make. Can somebody please advise what may be going wrong.
RE: Extrude surface plugin?
Thanks filibis, Tig, downloaded it and it works and thank you also Fredo!
Extrude surface plugin?
Hi all, I am trying to give a piece of complex geometry thickness, and have attached an example of what I mean. I thought there was a plugin called "extrude surface" and or "joint push pull" but was unable to find either in extension warehouse. Can somebody point me in the right direction as to which program would be best to achieve thickness to the attached model image.
Thanks -
RE: 3D Vegetation
Hi Garry, why do you need sketchup pro to download models from 3d warehouse? And I am curious why you would be using sketchup 8? I think 3d warehouse is only compatible with sketchup 13 and above. Why wouldn't you download sketchup make 2017?
RE: Anomaly with Artisan
Thanks guys, I will try to get my head around it a bit more. Rich, how did you predict where the triangulation's were needed?
Anomaly with Artisan
Artisan 1.skpHi all, I am very new to artisan have only started playing with the program today. I have been experimenting with trying to get a shape analogous to how a jet engine "blends" with a wing. I have had a few issues that I have overcome. However the "engine cowls" blend of to the same corner with bad results. I have built is from scratch twice with no change to behavior. I have attached the Skp file. Any help would be appreciated
Mesh (unwanted) showing when I hide something
I recently get a mesh showing in place of the hidden item. I find it distracting could somebody tell me how to get rid of this mesh?
RE: Free 3D scanning
Thank you Rich and Sam, I think this may be a solution for myself wanting to make organic wood playground elements. as they are kind of organic and free-form anyway a bit of randomness can be tolerated. And as Rich says poly count needs to be considered. Would still like to ask if anyone has any experience with a free 3D scanner please post with good or bad results it would be very much appreciated.
Free 3D scanning
Hi, I am trying to find out about free 3D (android) scanners the results of which could be imported into Sketchup?. Has anyone had any experience with them and would care to advise?
Creating realistic timber (how?)
Hi all, I need to learn how to model and render very organic timber/wood. I have attached some images the renders I have done (the Wigwam and "fairy garden log")However they take a while and are not optimal I have achieved these with standard techniques. The real wood images are like what I aim to achieve.
Are there techniques with mapping and texturing that would improve my efficiency and produce more realistic results? I have seen some pretty amazing things done with texture and I assume "bump" but that is beyond my skill level ATM. Can somebody please let me know if there is another approach I should learn for better results. -
Material/texture assistance
Hi all, I am in the process of getting my head around materials and textures. I see that when rendering to get "bump" I require a "normals" map. Since I am new to this, what is the difference between a "normal" and a " bump" map?