Anomaly with Artisan
Artisan 1.skp
Hi all, I am very new to artisan have only started playing with the program today. I have been experimenting with trying to get a shape analogous to how a jet engine "blends" with a wing. I have had a few issues that I have overcome. However the "engine cowls" blend of to the same corner with bad results. I have built is from scratch twice with no change to behavior. I have attached the Skp file. Any help would be appreciated
You need to triangulate the proxy a bit more.
Artisan won't be able to properly subdivide ngons.
The topology of the proxy is very important when it comes to controlling the subdivision.
Working with Quads will give you predictable results.
This works for both Artisan and SUbD.
Here I have cleaned your model and made all faces 4 sided. You can see the result here for both.
Thanks guys, I will try to get my head around it a bit more. Rich, how did you predict where the triangulation's were needed?
@l i am said:
Rich, how did you predict where the triangulation's were needed?
You are simply trying to neutralize ngons by making them quads or triangles.
You need to do this as efficiently as you can.
Box's example went the SUbD route which prioritizes quads. Artisan deals with either.
Ngons cannot subdivide with regularity but tris/quads can. So you approach needs to factor this in.