I haven't found a way to overcome this.
Google, please fix this.
For me it is a reason to throw Layout out of the workflow.
Just at the moment that Layout is becoming interesting enough to use in an architectural practice....
I haven't found a way to overcome this.
Google, please fix this.
For me it is a reason to throw Layout out of the workflow.
Just at the moment that Layout is becoming interesting enough to use in an architectural practice....
I imported an image of a plan in SU, and use 'Maximum Texture Size' to get it crisp in SU.
All is well, until I export the model as an image or try to link to the SU file in Layout.
Textures go back to their freaking lo-res bluriness.
... Or does anyone here has a suggestion?
Thanks in advance
Interesting thread Sepo and nice renders .
I particularly like the color bleeding on the Podium V2 versions.
Seems like the new render engine will be a very good one and I can't wait to see it in action more, both on interiors as exteriors.
Good luck with development. A lot of people, including me, are looking forward to it.
I wish Sketchup was more complete as an architectural modeler.
For one, I miss to be able to model stuff like this:
Not that I need that in my daily work, but just being able to do it when it is needed, would be swell.
Curvy stuff is possible with a lot of patience and a lot of tricks, but in sketchup it remains quite a 'destructive' modeling process.
Once the shape is created, alterations become more difficult, and keeping a clean mesh even more.
Thanks for that tutorial Juan.
I don't really grasp the fuzz about the whole augmented reality hype though.
Can't find any use for it, besides finding it amusing for 5 seconds.
I actually like the uncropped version more as it is a bit menacing.
Cool stuff all the way, stinkie. And Happy birthday
Chrome suffers from the typical Google disease. Nice idea, but not very well executed.
But as it is fairly new, the benefit of the doubt I'd say.
For the moment, nothing beats the browsing experience you get from Firefox.
Very fast, no hassle at all and without any adds or other crap, by using plugins.
Reminds me a bit of Renzo Piano's project in New Caledonia (see image).
Cool modeling!
Xrok's comment just cracked me up.
Hahaha....Best Plugin ever.
Does it come with a toolbar?
Thanks Solo for starting this thread. It turns out to be the most interesting modeling thread in a long time here on SCF.
Especially because the subject is a bit out of the boundaries of Sketchup's strenghts.
I like the latest efforts of Pete, Ely and Adam.
The most difficult trick would be to get a clean mesh, which is difficult for a polygon modeler to achieve.
Especially when using a render engine to visualize stuff like that, a clean geometry is crucial.
It would be interesting to see a MOI3D user post a version using Nurbs so we can compare and learn.
Lately I am interested to see if a Sketchup + MOI workflow would be a good approach to cover the whole modeling spectrum.
Wow, this is a nutcracker.
I don't have a clue how to pull this off to be honest.
Adams results are already quite good.
Adam, could you explain the abbreviations VPP and SSB (below the images)?
@toxicvoxel said:
I no longer have sex with my wife. I have too much respect for her...
Local at the Prince Albert Pub - Bowness.
good one.
Looks great Richard.
Some trees modeled using the same strategy for foliage would be great....even for close ups.
Maybe an idea for a new 'Tree Factory'?
I liked the first TF version: simple but quite effective.(a bit high on poly count maybe)
Very nice again, although the previous ones appealed more to me as they are more epic , but less dramatic.
The animation (by Oli) shows the lights very well. Love it.
Any tips to quickly create a light shifting animation like that?
As it is a .mov, I guess it is made with a Mac?
@johnsenior1973 said:
But the whole issue of not publishing PMs goes back months. It was made clear then that you don't do it. Toxic has clearly done it again, he's been pulled up on it, and he's started this thread to cry about it.
In normal circumstances one would not make private conversations public without the other parties permission. It's not respectful.
In some cases, however, making pm content public can be legit. For instance to adress bad practice or to defend public intrest.
I don't know if it is the case here. Not enough info.
I couldn't follow the discussion that lead to Toxicvoxel's current posting, so I can't really say much about his actions.
As I understand, parts of these discussions are deleted...and things probably went partially through pm as well.
He must have his reasons. It's too easy to respond 'go elsewhere if you don't like it here'.
What is concealed is difficult to discuss.
Great ,Sid!
You captured that very well. Sounds like a book I would want to read.
Thank you Toxic for this very nice tutorial.
Very useful for all the architects here...
Tricky one.
FredoScale (bend option), as good is it is, won't help in this case.
FFF might work indeed, but I find its output unpredictable and in may cases doesn't work at all.
What Mac1 made using Soap Skin Bubble hardly resembles the thing haynesc is aiming for.
I am interested to see some more suggestions....
Fantastic Christmas card Stinkie!
Just love the idea.
Hilarious and a bit tragic at the same time.