I had this question back in 2007 and it was a growing frustration going forwards. I relied my career on Sketchup as I felt it was the only tool that let me focus on the subject (architecture) and not on the tool itself (the complexity of other software).
Frankly, I felt not smart enough and not very willing to switch to the complex software (Revit, 3Dstudio, even Autocad).
In 2012 stepped out of the “industry” as I couldn’t catch up.
Mind you, I come from a time as a student in architecture that I experienced the transition from hand drawn to CAD only, which was already a tough nut and changed things from artistic/creative to more of a technical office job.
RE: Will SketchUp Ever Wear Big Boy Pants?
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
I'm at the 3 year mark, chain vaping 6 mg.
In the perfect world, I would not vape at all, but looking back to having smoked for 20 years, I'm really glad I left cigarettes.My current gear : Kayfun mini v3 on an Innokin Coolfire 4plus for vaping at home. For all other circumstances I use all-in-ones, my favourite is the I-stick Basic all-in-one box.
Not into direct lung at all
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@charly2008 said:
I stopped smoking abruptly on May 20. I asked myself, what does Smoking do for me. The answer I gave myself:
• smoking is unhealthy
• Tastes awful
• is very expensiveand this I say to myself every day.
I was told repeatedly by former smokers, all takes place only in the mind.
I am thinking to quit vaping as I suffer from dehydration easily. -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@olishea said:
So....educate me. How come you can vape at such high wattage without it tasting burnt? Seems when you go sub ohm the wattage is ramped right the way up....why is that?
That Derringer is a 'dripper' (rebuildable dripping atomizer). A dripper can take very high wattages, mostly because they provide big airflow and because the 'chamber' is bigger.
The newer 'sub-ohm tanks' (Kangertech Subtank etc..) are clearomizers that can take higher wattages as well.
It is a different kind of vape than a Kayfun, way more aery and geared towards direct lung inhale.
I use them once and a while just for variation, but in general I prefer a Kayfun kind of vape with a tighter draw. I use my Joyetech Egrips for that. Very stealthy vape with a nice tight draw and rebuildable coil.ps: that P3 with the Kayfun looks very sharp
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Happy with small and simple things
An I-stick 20 Watt and Derringer on top. -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
. The internet is for vape porn.
I love the Egrip, it is the only really pocketable vape in my experience.
And it can take a beating as it is a very solid weighty little wonder.
It takes stock Egrip coils. I only use it's lowest wattage setting and that makes a coil last for weeks. It is a surprisingly smooth and flavorful vape. Joyetech is about to release a little rebuildable base for it that I will be getting.Oh yes, the Billet box seems a great product but a bit too costly imo.
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@stinkie said:
I bought an e-cig as well, a very cheap one, on a whim. I'm rather surprised as to how effective 'vaping' is. And no tar!
I am curious to know if you quit smoking by this time?
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
My daily vape rotation these days, quite satisfied to stick with it for a long time
- Joyetech Egrip: very very small, juice tank built in and pocket friendly
- Eleaf Istick (20 Watt regulated mod) + kayfun Lite
- Aspire CF SUB + Eleaf Lemo
E-juices: all day vapes: GoodLife "Nana's Nuts" and GoodLife "Melon Boba".
I bought the much hyped new Aspire Atlantis tank but don't like it.
I prefer the much richer taste and vapor of a Kayfun or Lemo. -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Hi Oli,
To fill the Kayfun from the top, I always cover the airhole while filling.
When screwing on the cap, only screw it on a couple of threads and then turn the kayfun upside down. Once the liquid has settled down, you can release your thumb from the airhole and screw the top cap fully tight. It never leaks for me that way. -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@olishea said:
No worries. Mixing your own is easy.
I gave up using my EVOD for out and about. Kanger have changed the coils and as a result they are very inconsistent, don't last as long and are costing too much to replace.
Anyway, after not using my Kayfun for a month or so, I recoiled it and was blown away!! I see why I fell in love with it; it's just so consistent and loads of creamy vapour. The Kayfun Version 4 is coming out soon too, wonder what that will be like. My Kayfun 3.1 has been discontinued now, I guess it's because the fill-up valve is easy to block; I just unscrew mine and fill up from the top, so much easier and quicker.
I always fill my Kayfuns (clones) from the top. It's indeed as easy as filling a clearomiser. I take it you are familiar with the 'hold your finger on the airhole' trick to avoid leaking.
I totally get what you mean with the Evods, I am not using them either any more, they are loud, they don't last long and eventually they either taste burnt or leak. I only like them for their stealthy form factor.
My daily stealth and bring-to-work gear consists of Iclear16's. They are fabulous when you know how to work them. It's a warm tasty little vape with not too much vapor (stealth) and a good throat hit. Trick is to fill regular so you're always more than half filled and use the lowest voltage you can. Then they last a really long time.As to Kayfuns and at-home-vape-gear in general , Kayfuns are good.... however I am totally in love with the Taifun GT at this stage. My Kayfuns are in the cupboard as I see myself taking the Taifun over anything else
As to cartomizers (your earlier post), I suggest only going for double punched cartos.
Boge LR really are the best performing ones. In general, cartos give a very consistent vape, no leaking. The draw is tight because the juice is typically soaked in filler material, so you really need the double punched or slotted ones. The flavour is very 'typical', a bit muted but fine. It is considered the old fashioned way of vaping, however a lot of people still consider it as the best all day vape with the least hassle. -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
well it has been reported by many people (reddit e.g).
I am guessing it depends on the type of smoke detector.
The one in my house is a 'nasty' one lol, it also beeps when I am taking a shower and forget to put on the fan...freightening
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
I also had the honour to try an old fashioned cigarette a few months ago after not having smoked for a long time.
Yuk, yuk, yuk, that's all I can say -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Wow, congratulations Oli, Pete and stefan (in a day
I'll be joining the one year high mile club in June.ps: @Gareth: Just so you know, vapour DOES set of smoke alarms.
I did it by accident when i moved into my new place a month ago.
Thought it was good to tell you this... on the other hand we could have gotten a good laugh out of you setting of your buildings alarm...but we're good people here lol -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Hi Gareth,
I went through the same, starting with 0 mg nic juice (aaah..Australia), and while waiting for nic juice from the States discovered some tasty flavours.
The anticipation of that together with the great testimonies in this thread made me so eager to quit smoking, that it all just happened spontaneously.It does make me wonder if I shouldn't go the 0 nic route again now and see what happens.
I believe I can do it, especially with the latest drippers out there with huge air holes (Trident etc...), zero nic might still be a very satisfying experience. -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@futurepast said:
SCORE!!!!!Went to a garage sale got a bag of about 50 2 ohm cartos for my ProVari for a $1
There are some good Carto tanks on Fasttech, I personally love the X8 as it is small and has a screw to prevent the carto to slide out, very handy.
Concerning cartos, I am sticking to double punched Boge LR cartos.
All the others seem to lack needed airflow.
Cartos really are a more consistent vape than clearos imo.
The only hassle is filling carto tanks, such a mess lol -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
@Frederik, that is quite a skill
, reminds me to re-watch Seinfeld, still a good no brain series
Besides the beveled top, a provari looks sweet and I like it's small form factor. The Kayfun seems to like it too, nice pictures. I like my Kayfun clones a lot , they are hassle free and consistent as opposed to clearos like errrr...protanks 1,2 or 3 , the heads seem to be hit and miss.
I just bought a Touchwood handcrafted mechanical box mod . 18490 battery sîze.
Loving the feel of it and it vapes really well with that detonator style button.
Rocking it with the simple (and cheap) Igo-L dripping atomizer. Yummy -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Great to hear you're finding your sweet spot.
The Plume Room is indeed wonderful.I recently have found another great e-juice company : http://www.goodlifevapor.com
Great flavours and price wise just a little step up from Mt Baker Vapor.
So far I enjoy the Melon Boba and Nana's Nuts.
They provide the option to add a little mint to each juice. Very nice touch.
Shipping is quite fast, I believe just over 2 weeks to Perth, which is fast for being in the most remote big city of the world -
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
The Chi-You is looking good there Stefan.
I am settled for Christmas: the Svaemesto Kayfun 3.1 on top of the Kato Astro mod.
(Shhhhhht...both are clones).
I can totally live with that.
The Kayfun indeed is a very consistent vape. It feels like a Protank on steroids without the hickups.
I do burn my tongue at times as it is a darn hot vape.
The Kayfun is a good portable solution , it can be horizontal and won't leak.I still adore using a dripper (Trident), more clouds and a misty cold vape, yummy. However not good out and about, needs to be upright at all times !
The Christmas setup:
RE: Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Wow, that Kayfun looks sweet on that Provari.