@joelm3dm said:
Ok, my current system ...
Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.7 GHz, 4.0 ram, 32 bit, Nvidia geforce GTS 250, two monitors
I use it for SU and some light-duty video editing and photoshopping.
I had a similar setup a year ago and switched to a I5-3.4Ghz, 8 GB ram, GTX 560 Ti and 64 bit windows 7 and an SSD. With anything similar or better Sketchup works great.
@joelm3dm said:
Initially I was asking if there's already a sticky or page or post with hardware suggestions. Wouldn't that be a good idea? Of course, it would have to be updated often, but I think many people would use it. A page could list different setups: "Bare Minimum", "Good SketchUpping", "Good SU Plus Others", "Super Ideal"
Could be great if it was maintained regularly. Maybe someone will feel up for it.