@kwistenbiebel said:
If I understand you correctly, you want a push pull tool that deletes all the geometry intersecting.
That is actually a nice idea. PushPull + Boolean substraction in 1 tool...Perhaps a ruby guru picks up on this idea?
Thanks for responding!!! You are my friend..if that is ok..
I see History Based Modeling easing out by combined commands already with too weird workflow, not to mention adding of the Dynamic Based Modeling. Although history tree (an outliner) has it's place for the the top down method ((actually the all-around-where-am-I method by 'liquidplays'~solidworks~ determines this all too well especially when adding constraints of history)). Pro E.. and many others have re-routed Sketchup ways, basing my opinion. But I'm still virgin to Dynamic Components so I don't know for sure. I did read Dynamic Modeling is the way of the future.