Sorry Ray, try to edit last post(without spam or "flood" this thread).
RE: In Development: Subdivide and Smooth
RE: Live components
It's like remote files - proxies or xRefs, i think...
Or teamwork in share network will be incredible thing//bim will close...revit with its worksharing features, archicad's network solutions.... -
RE: [Plugin] Tree generator v0.2
also using applyto-script for changing
then using displ.or bump map to branch in your favorite render.engineKonstantine(aka mentor) use lsystem(onyxtree4max and Houdini) made such and, ....
RE: Displacement BRUSH
i know name for this - heightfield/normalmap/bumpmap baking(HNB) tool
kwisten, displ-t is very memory-hungry option in realtime(not for rendering in shader's system/so c4d has mograph's displ.deformer)
RE: If Autodesk brought SU would the World End?
and also recompiling of plug-ins to new version of sdk(for example many designers want new vray to work with AD 3ds MAX Design 2009...but in 20 april).
And if you use non-subscription support(using sdk from max-content), you need to download simple max 2k9 version(with sdk) for developing plugs..for design-version(max is having 2 version now)I wish that new sketchup(7) hasn't such problems(remember that 6 has sketchup.rb and some in tools-dir...and need to clear some lines from code in rbs-scripts)
Devs please make more flexible enviro for ruby... -
RE: Video tracing
Awesome tool!
look at too
Also Arndt create cinema4d's plug-in with same name. and it works with video too but in c4d's enviro. -
RE: .pln convertor
Hello Pete, if you need it i can convert
@unknownuser said:
..., I know nothing of ArchiCAD...
if need 3d - turn on to 3d-view and select all geometry and then export into 3ds(i prefer) or dwg)
2d - select all in plan-view and export into dxf or dwgAnd if you use not only native library, need to save as pla-format(archive)....for remote export to other people...
RE: SketchUP-Cinema4D Exporter/Importer??
@unknownuser said:
Did you hear about an exporter for Cinema4D or an importer into Cinema4D?
No...but think it can be written into xml-data(geometry and ect)
For instances i use cob(coffe)-plug-ins - ReplaceInstances, ReplaceObject, SearchObject...
It's sometimes difficulty to organize scene.
RE: SketchUP-Cinema4D Exporter/Importer??
sorry for my poor English
i use for export(from skipy) - fbx, obj(c4d's Riptide plug-in for import)...
for cinema4d - 3ds and dxfIt will be nice to export cameras into c4d.
Entschuldigung für meine schlechte Deutsch (Software -
Ich benutze für den Export (von skipy) - fbx, obj (c4d's Riptide Plug-In für den Import) ...
Für cinema4d - 3ds und dxfEs ist schön zu exportieren Kameras in c4d.
RE: Lighting Plugin for Sketchup
Thanks, i subscribe to your RSS feed!
Eric can you go to gallery-page or ...after logging?
I have same when i come(Opera-browser) to another page - it is lighting that i can to log out... -
RE: Spiral Generator > Free Utility Available
What about DrawHelix(rb-script) 13 by Peter Brown? -
RE: 2 Roman Basilicas in Kerky
Great work!
Have fornications textured or geometry?Wait for updates...
RE: Lighting Plugin for Sketchup
if i miss something, Adam... can you export baked map(via uv-map, image-source) for future detailing into photoshop or analogs...then import this map to sketchup(via your plug-in again or standard import by using of urgen's technics)
i get it(success with divx-compressed movies by decoded 5-version).
I make all(as urgen wrote):- Open video, simple capture by PrintScreen...stay opened video.
- Then open Photoshop(i have cs3) and paste captured source(can see easter bug, movie has translate into pshp-frame, not still image). Then save it as PNG(save in root of drive). Stay opened pshp-window with capture.
- open sketchup and import this png...and you can see this technical bug or something(like in pshp)
Thanks to urgen.
RE: Component Spray Tool released
biebel, great...they(sketchupers) are seeking 7 of skipy and can't find it?! ))))))
RE: Material problem
you can to modify dynamically at last version - from 14 March 2k8...but previous version - not
use(read) help of skipy-vray (pdf).
RE: Stadium Floodlights
you need post-work only in any graf.editor or compositing tool to get such effects
Vlado is doing in sdk(cinema4d's vray has volume light effects) now(you can see some tests at chaos's forum)...fry-render(evermotion tutorials) or indigo can this
RE: Trees in renders
i just paint some faces of TIN-plane(landscape), using for example: uv-mapping technics - for c4d and ect.
or use segments-faces(which will be hidden...same as on your landscape) to populate trees objects in Kerky2008