Simply using arcs and sandboxtools...
here is a nice tutorial that can help you in your problem solving...
RE: How to do this volute (como hacer esta voluta)
StyleBuilder Other option?
In StyleBuilder's reference guide, page 38, ther's the following paragraph that talks about Lengths options in the Sets Pane:
Click on the plus button next to the Lengths field to display a list of common stroke set sizes.
Select a stroke length to add to the style, %(#FF0000)[or click on the Other option and enter a custom
stroke length]."
I am very interested in the second part of that text (that highlighted in red) because, reading the text, seems possible to add custom lenghts strokes to the Set Pane. But in StyleBuilder I haven't found jet an option like that. Is that a mistake? Or did I not understood properly?
Could anybody help me? -
Dpi resolution in Layout2
IĀ“d just want to know which resolution (dpi) correspond to the three selectable settings (High, medium and low) that affects the final print output.
Anyone knows it? -
RE: Augmented Reality Plug-in for Google Sketch-Up released
This plugin looks very interesting. But has anyone tried how it works with large scale projects such as houses, museums, ecc..?
Would make me crazy the idea to insert a big project into its natural context and navigate it.
Is it possible with this plugin? -
RE: Trouble shooting help, invisable lines.
I think the problem is related to the visibility of the layers in your model. Check it out in the layer manager.
I had some time ago the same problem, but I solved it quite immediatly -
RE: Construction & Working Drawings - Discussion
@baseline said:
Keep your eyes peeled to this discussion - I'm working right now on a paired SketchUp / Layout template (whenever I get a spare minute) that I plan to post. This would have sections, styles, layers, etc all set up beforehand - simply build your model on the template and CDs would be easy to export.
As for dimensions, I put my dimensions on a separate layer within my SU model and then link them in layout as an overlay.
Template should be up by appx. May 1.
IĀ“m waiting too for this promising template!
Any news? -
RE: You Decide Competition!
I think would be great to involve also Layout2 and Stylebuilder in the competition.
The project, could be everything (as said above), but i think that would be interesting to see how the competitors are able to put their project into a Blueprint and a final presentation.
The aim of sketchup is also to make the modelling executable!
That is just my point of view... -
RE: Curve Problem in Sketchup
@azuri said:
Whenever i Make any curve or a circle in sketchup it does not give me a clean curve. In case of a circle it actually draws a 25 sided polygon. This is a great pain which is actually pulling me away from such a beautiful software.. please help...
What are the operations with circles that cause you problems?
I mean, what do you want to do and you canĀ“t due to this sketchup limitation? -
RE: Nam Ho - Da Lat urban planning - sketchup animation
@huyvuvn said:
@tomislavm said:
This is wonderful, is this all sketchup and how big is this model?
yes , all made by sketchup
150Mb sketchup file.thanks.
Not only Sketchup I guess...
What about sun, reflections, water and rain animation... cĀ“mon what ever else have you used?
By the way, astonishing!
How many hours did it take? -
RE: Vhe fine ha fatto
In effetti eĀ“strano sembra che gli sia scaduto il dominio...
RE: Language
Quite ease,
go to your profile under user groups and look at the forums you are permitted to access.
Probably ther's no check on your language.
Bye -
RE: REAL circles with DXF export?
@thomthom said:
Well, SU knows what should be circles. So it's odd that it doesn't write that as circles when exporting to .dwg...
Yesss, I've tought the same!
It's incredible, that shouldn't be so hard to fix... -
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
Your scripts are just incredible!
Thank you Fredo
You are great -
RE: If we only could apply more than one style in model...
Here is the answer to the question... -
Lineweights and linestyles in Sketchup... finally possible!
It's incredible how some times long time problems can be solved in a easy and unthinkable way!
In Google sketchup Pro 7 we have three wonderful apps:- Sketchup 7
- Layout 2
- Stylebuilder
Why can't we make them working toghether just to solve our problems?
That's the case of lineweights and linestyles apparently impossible to bring to sketchup!
Not true
Here is why:1)Make your model in Sketchup
2)Create as many layers as different linestyles you need in your model
3)Assign such layers to the entities of the model
4)Create as many scenes as the number of linestyles
5)In each of these Scenes turn to visible only the layer that correspond to the desired linestyle. Apply to that scene the corresponding *.style you have previously created with Stylebuilder.
6)Repeat the step with all the linestyles you have in your model
7)Go to Layout and create all the viewports that correspond to the scenes in your model.
8)Lay the viewports one upon the other...and that's all!
I attached a little sequence of images to explain better the steps to do
RE: If we only could apply more than one style in model...
@jean lemire said:
Hi Eugenio, hi folks.
You can have as many styles as you want in a model.
Use scenes. A scene can memorize many parameters, among them is the style.
For example, you can have a precision style or a more sketchy style. One with shadows and textures on and another with construction geometries showing. Etc. Etc.
Just click on a scene tab to change Styles (and a few other parameters if you like). Do not forget that scenes name can be changed to something more explicit than Scene 1, Scene 2, etc.
However, a style will apply to the whole model.
Just ideas.
following your ideas...
...what about if scens, where you can set model appearance, could be combine togheter like Photoshop's levels?
In this way you can put toghether different styles in a unique view!
Am I goin' insane? -
If we only could apply more than one style in model...
I think Style builder is great to affect model apparence!
You can create you own stroke style, you can adjust colors, line thickness... so you can create all possible stroke stiles. Just for an example, isn't too hard to create all dashed stroke styles to use even in technical drawings...
But when you discover that you can apply only one style at time in the model you can't figured it how.
Why such an unlimited capability can be limited by the impossibility to manage more than one style in the same model?
Think just of what coul be done...
RE: The "Duh!" thread (aka the Doh! thread)
@newone said:
moment yesterday!
Smoove tool can be used for smoove different shapes than circular...just use your mouse drag selection area over needed vertexes and use smoove tool over them.Play with size of smoove circle to see how it affects selected area.Really great Duh! Incredible! Sometimes the esiest things are the hardest to find
RE: Tank Museum UPDATE - new renders
Just another little question:
What plugins did you use most frequently during this astonishing modelling work?