whew! I am just glad to see you/we're back up today! gave me a bit of
RE: Server problems
RE: Geomatry Resizer or Paramatric???
Hi Oscar,
initially, just rectangle is fine, and I agree with the idea of the others that you could 'lock' the position of an edge so that it won't move.the ability to do an L shaped room would also be good... that is, if the room were an L you could select faces to 'lock' and the rest would be able to move (assumed that floor and ceiling would automatically be 'locked'.
of course, the next step would be the ability to link this to an excel file and have it build the spaces automatically from that file.
Automated 2D Output (Export Pages To Images)
I have these two scripts
Automated 2D Output
Export Pages To ImagesI love them! however, they each export all pages. I need an option to exclude the pages that are not included in animation... you know that little check box in the Scenes dialog - "Include In Animation"? If that's not checked, I wish it would not export those scenes as images.
I often exclude scenes to sort of 'batch' images together.
I often exclude scenes to set them up as different 'options' or 'versions' of the same building... so there are about 8 cameras for the animation, but then 6 different design options (excluded from animation) so I can turn on each option and replay the animation for that option.now if I could export only those images included in the animation, I could easily run image sets for each version.
SketchUp could definitely benefit from an easy-to-use-yet-sophisticated way of doing this.
RE: SketchUp and Vue
as a long-time Vue user, I can concur with Chipp's advice, that is EXACTLY what I do.
a point he didn't mention, but I do: set import options under File>Options>Length Unit=feet
then do others exactly as Chipp said.then, when working with Vue plants, I found that their ecosystem plant scale needs to be set to .51, works for most Vue plants, and the Lush ecopaint systems.
I found Vue's UV mapping has many options, but they are very very confusing, but then, I'm in Feet and inches, and perhaps it's better with metric.I'd stick with mapping in SU for anything not complex curves... for complex curves... another UV mapper would be good... perhaps Vue would be ok, but not worth $600 just for that function.
yes, very frustrating - Vue will not let just anyone buy from their website - stupid!
when my work bought me Vue5i I tried to buy some content to use, some tutorials, etc... and couldn't do it... had to go thru my work to do this... when I would have been able to get my work done faster by just buying and expensing it myself. -
RE: XP AND SU not playing well together
I think I isolated the issue... I had an ancient program that was made to create a backup image called EZRestore... it came with my MB. anyway... it was a piece of crap
and as it ran out of memory (it did not have an option to add to the partition it had created) was messing up many proggies ability to access the registry properly.
I got rid of the program and things are working much better.
RE: Geomatry Resizer or Paramatric???
this looks incredible... but it would be truly powerful if you could check a box to maintain a face's area, or an objects volume.this way if you pick a face to maintain it's area, it will change both dimensions to maintain the area. (or a group for maintaining a 3D volume)
application: for architects, this would mean that if they need a 200 square foot room, and they could change one length of the room to fit a certain space, and then the other length would change automatically, while maintaining the proper square footage (or square meters) area size of the room.
RE: XP AND SU not playing well together
thanks Solo
instead, I just fixed it this way:
I installed CADfather's menuset6now SU opens just fine.
now if he would provide a tutorial for me on how I install new plugins into his menu system from now on... -
XP AND SU not playing well together
I installed XP a couple weeks ago... if you must know the whole story read this, but if not, skip down to the bold word 'the problem now'.
WinMediaPlayer tried to update itself to version 11 and froze during install.
I could do nothing with it... just froze there.
I tried to task manager shut-it-down... nothing.
Had to hard shut-down my machine.then Windows wouldn't boot... seems that WMP crashing while install had taken over my registry and locked it up... so I couldn't even boot.
luckily I had an image saved of my install before WMP messed it up.
after restoring my image, I had to re-install much, including SU and Pshop, everything I use every day....
but things just weren't the same... something was weird.
I used a registry cleaner to clean up 2 hundred something 'errors'.
the problem now
here's the error message I get when I open SU(v6Free) now.Error Loading File totd.rb undefined method `file_loaded' for main;Object
I tried to simply uninstall and re-install SU, but it WILL NOT LET ME DO EITHER OF THESE THINGS no matter what I try! It gives me this error (see attached image)
Anyone have any brilliant ideas what I can do?!
RE: ADA Toilet with handrails
ps, anyone seen a nice wall-hung toilet - like for hospitals? I've been all thru the warehouse and they're all junk...
RE: ADA Toilet with handrails
@unknownuser said:
For the ADA toilet stall, check your building code. some cities, one being Chicago, requires a vertical grab bar as well. Depends on which version or set of rule is being adopted.
EXACTLY, JIM! It's the same for Wisconsin... the new extra 18 vert. grab bar... I'm actually more pro ADA than most architects I know, but soon we'll just be installing a jungle gym.
thanks for the model, Daniel... I'll take a look, make sure it's ADA for the "Wisconsinisms" and re-post. -
RE: USA user group
There are user groups for Revit or other proggies like that... I will be going to a Revit user group in Milwaukee later this month... but these groups are run by the local distributor/reseller for the software who are getting paid in a way, it's a way of self-promotion, while also developing a relationship with their clients and providing a service. Revit comes out with a new build every 3 months, approximately. SU updates itself far less often and needs little explanation. For this reason, I don't see this really necessary/working for SU and the States.
but Solo is correct that this may work better for Luxemburg, Belgium, or the Netherlands than for the States...
clearly from the shear wave of posts here, it's going swimmingly
RE: Soap Skin & Bubble expires
Thank you for your generosity and kindness! May it be poured back into your paypal account a hundred times! -
RE: UV Mapper?
agree with Notareal and others, this would be a great script. SketchUp knows it's weak in an area when people have to say "use a different program to do this major modification for your model"
SketchUp can't be expected to do EVERYTHING but... it should at least be expected to improve it's materials mapping
RE: [Plugin] SketchyFFD (Classic)
Thanks for the update with locking edges, Chris! A thousand blessings upon you for your work and generosity to this community!
Kerkythea 2008 Getting Started Tutorial
ANNOUNCING the much anticipated release of the
Kerkythea 2008 Echo Edition Getting Started Tutorial!This tutorial covers the basics of Kerkythea in a very easy-to-read manner. It is for any new user of Kerkythea (Blender, Gmax, 3DSMax, Wings3D, MoI, other) not only SketchUp users.
Get the PDF format tutorial (3.47Mb) here now!
This tutorial, while intended for beginners, is fairly comprehensive in covering all you need to know to start rendering.
also keep an eye out - Coming soon: Patrick's new Material Guide for KT 2008...
ADA Toilet with handrails
anyone made a decent "generic" SU model that is ADA compliant, including handrails?
the 3Dwarehouse models I found were
RE: UV Mapper?
can you describe in more detail what you mean?
except for the fussy mapping of curved geometry, the texture editing of current SU is very handy and nice to work with!
I hope you want to get it to map spherically, cylindrically, etc.
RE: Question ...
that thread DOES mention he's thinking about a bevel option... hopefully it will be integrated... I really want a bevel tool as well... and I think it's critically connected to the functions of the SubDiv/Smooth tool he's developing.my vote here for a bevel command! I've been looking for it for months!