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RE: Sketchup Contest at SEBC
RE: DC SpiralStairCaseBuilder
Thanks for the info Howard, I had completely forgot about that due to never experimenting with DC's.
I had a play around with this and it works perfectly. Very useful, thank you.
RE: DC SpiralStairCaseBuilder
Looks like a really good idea Howard. Spiral staircases are always popular and can be tricky to model.
Can't use it myself, not a Pro user but I'm sure it will be well received. -
RE: This App might be a good reason to get an iPad!
I think we all know it's really a luxury purchase for most of us.
I really cannot see why I would need one or how I would use it, but I would still like one. It could be an expensive gimmick.
I was surprised when I checked it out in the Apple store how many older people where playing with it (55+). It could be a good option for people who want to enter the computer market for mainly internet use with the added bonus of being cool
Certainly better off waiting for version 2 though in my opinion. -
RE: This App might be a good reason to get an iPad!
Have you been to the Apple store to play with one yet Mike?
RE: 3D Basecamp 2010!!!!!
Well if it would have been October instead of Sept, I would definitely have gone, or at least tried to go depending on getting an invite. I really don't have the funds free in September which is a shame, but I look forward to hearing all about it.
RE: 3D Basecamp 2010!!!!!
It sounds like a fun 3 days to me.
Learning Sketchup, mixing with fellow users and masters, meeting people, competitions, food, walking, beer* etc, etc. Happy days!
*I added the beer - it must be stated in no way do Google condone the consumption of alcohol
RE: SketchUp for iPad
Some sort of viewer would be very useful.
Its a nice thought being able to show your client or tutor etc your model on the ipad. -
RE: How do you want to be disposed of?
I've always liked the idea of being buried in a cardboard coffin and a tree planting above me, no gravestone.
To be honest, I guess it could easily be a cremation and my ashes sprinkled under trees now I think about it.
I no longer have strong feelings about these things. -
RE: 3D Basecamp 2010!!!!!
It seems like a pretty good system to me, although people may find it short notice.
To have a smaller event like this and by inviting long standing members of the SU community, who in turn invite who they see as deserving people, the event will be pretty full of experienced and knowledgable people. Sounds great!
To be honest, whichever way Google would have chosen to do this would have created the same amount of unrest.One of the difficult things for some members to deal with is the problem of feeling hurt because they did not receive an invite. It's difficult to please everyone.
I think people need to think carefully about committing to go unless they really intend to. Many of us want to go, but there is a difference between wanting and being able to due to time or money.
I say goodluck to all who receive invites and manage to make it.
I look forward to the online seminars. -
RE: Clear PMPI
That's a plugin I never got around to buying but always meant to!
Maybe I should now you have reminded me. -
RE: Apples
The texture looks excellent, nice work.
I agree, rotate a few apples in various directions and it will become more realistic and the stalk of the apple needs a better texture.
RE: Recent Works Gallery :::::
I don't even know what to say to be honest.
Breath taking images in a different league.How much would you say is SU modelled and how much is Max?
Im guessing a lot of the vegetation is done in max. -
RE: All SU.. almost
I like it.
It's almost three styles with the fog background, the SU middle and the edited foreground. -
RE: Broken Faces!! Help!!
I think the behaviour of SU with layering is perfect, it's simple and effective imo.
I always tell people to forget what they have learnt with layers in other software, especially ACAD because this is a different beast. You have to adapt to the software you use. Photoshop and AuotCAD work different in layering just like SU is different.
When I have given training I always stress to people they must forget how they use layering in AutoCAD and adopt the SU method which many people seem to frown upon until they use SU for real then it all makes sense. Usually after trying to layer in the ACAD way and hitting problems.
In my workplace, nothing is drawn on layer 0 in ACAD, that is a big no no, so persuading new users to work the opposite way can prove difficult at times. The thing with SU though, if you don't work this way you only make extra work for yourself which soon becomes apparent. -
RE: Just introducing myself
Welcome Gordon.
Nice sheets and an interesting method.
I agree with Rich about Layout and the latest version has dimensioning. Certainly got to be worth getting to grips with.