These look interesting. Downloaded the wall and door open tools and will try them out.
Thanks for sharing.
These look interesting. Downloaded the wall and door open tools and will try them out.
Thanks for sharing.
@thomthom said:
600v is at it again!
His work is absolutely jaw-dropping.
Love his design aesthetic.
@bob james said:
I've often used VisMap2 when I had a project with many scenes and layers.
Vismap is great, especially for animation/walkthrough models where there are a ton of scenes and a lot of layers.
It could use a bit of an interface refresh (it can get tedious checking/unchecking boxes), but it's an incredibly useful extension.
@utiler said:
True, thanks guys you're both right there are a few plugins that offer that option. I'm going to have to take a look at Jiminy's Layer Panel thread; I have seen it but never DL'd it as it seemed a little over the top..
Layer Panel is a fantastic idea and a needed functionality, however the actual extension is quite buggy and unstable (at least on a Mac). I gave up using it after too many frustrations, as much as I had wanted a hierarchical layer manager. Maybe it's more usable on a PC?
JF Add Layer is a great little plugin that solves the new layer visibility issue, but that doesn't help with the larger problem of simplifying layer management with models and/or workflow that require more than a few.
It would be nice if Trimble would acknowledge/address the multiple feature requests on this issue over the years, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
@tig said:
So it currently stays near the bottom of my to-do list
What if you turned it into a paid extension β might that move it up the list?
At least then, the effort to re-code would have some possibility of reward.
Seems to me that people that have a need for Xref would likely be willing to pay for the needed functionality for complex and/or collaborative projects... I know that I would.
For that matter you could take pre-orders and start working on it once you reach a viability threshold.
Just some ideas to maybe coax it up the to-do list
Super clean render. Love this whole series. Fabulous work.
Very cool piece. Love that syle in general, and the design of this bar in particular.
I have a model of a house (with terrain) where the model origin is at the main floor bottom corner. I have created over 60 scenes to map an animation path through the model.
Because it is a sloping lot, I have a ground plane tree shadow problem β the trees cast their shadow at 0 on the z axis and not on the slope below the ground plane... leaving floating shadows.
So I want to effectively move the model origin one floor down (~9') to the basement bottom corner. Since I can't move the actual origin, I can only move all the objects (house, terrain, trees etc) up 9' to fix the shadow casting problem.
However if I do that I screw up my entire animation path since the scene camera positions are calculated from the origin. Anybody know of a plugin or a couple of lines of Ruby code that would batch-fix all the scene positions by 9' on the z-axis?
Or is there an easier way to approach this?
Love the table design, and your rendered model is flawless. Beautiful!
Love your interiors. Beautifully staged and lit... and impeccably rendered.
@alvis said:
Modeling upholstery with Fractal Terrain Eroder plugin.
She's written some impressive plug-ins β this one gives an amazingly realistic look to your already life-like textures and shapes. Very cool!
@cotty said:
Yes, incredible! (now animate it with MSPhyics...)
Maybe he would have saved himself some physical trial and error (and a lot of sawdust!) if he had modelled it first in MSPhysics
Incredibly creative and impressive machine β the engineering, the music and the whimsy blend together in such a fun and fantastical way!
Cool chair and nice work on the modelling.
Looks like it would be a fussy one to build. Do you know if the curves were dry-laminated or steam-bent? (trying to imagine how flexible a 3/16 strip of maple would be)
Thanks for the reply. I pulled the plug and upgraded last night. Haven't tried SU yet, but happy to hear that you've not experienced any issues.
I'm about to (finally) upgrade from Mavericks to El Capitan β should I have any concerns with SU Pro 2015 compatibility, or have the earlier reported gremlins (on the forum) been squashed?
Also have a 3DX Space Navigator and had seen driver problems reported (or were those only with 2016?). Anybody with this setup that can report their experience?
@garydorn said:
For reference , there a number of photos of wooden bucks there were supposedly originally used to hammer out aluminium skins for these bodies.
Lots of cool historical car stuff on this thread, but as a woodworker I find these wooden bucks even more compelling as pieces of art than the (gorgeous) auto body that was hammered out on top of them!
@box said:
I have to ask, is there any value added to this thread by the somewhat off topic posts?
<off-topic> I always appreciate Jason's contrary perspective, even if his tone might be a bit off-putting to some. His is one of the informed voices (and contributions) that we have lost in the SU community over the past few years... due to the slow-walking of SU Pro development.
He might have been more effective as a critic if the criticisms were less personally directed, but I agree on a substantive basis with many of his observations.
That said β and in spite of my own ongoing frustrations β like JQL, SU Pro/LO still fits my own needs and workflow better than the higher- end and/or more complex alternatives.
Just wish there was a little more responsiveness on the part of the SU dev team to the continual feature/dev requests from longterm users to address SU's severe shortcomings.</off-topic>
<on-topic> Huge props to Rich / Gabor for tackling this previously unmet SU need β looking forward to WrapR's release... and learning how to use it!!
Gorgeous renders - love the moodiness of the de-saturated images.