When I put the quality on export to high, what resolution to raster images get sent out at?
Is there a setting that I can tell LayOut not to process raster images?
When I put the quality on export to high, what resolution to raster images get sent out at?
Is there a setting that I can tell LayOut not to process raster images?
Hi -
Has anyone used this scrip in SU8 yet?
I get the following error when I try to import:
Is it just me?
Every time I add a new plugin, whether or not it has a toolbar associated with it, my toolbar completely explodes.
The command View > Toolbars > Restore Toolbar Positions does not return them to how I had them arranged before I installed the new plugin (yes, I did save the toolbar positions).
Was this the bug that google announced was fixed at SU8 launch, or is there another toolbar bug?
Thanks, TIG. Amazing script.
Does this plugin do the flatten to plane, or is that a separate plugin? I can't seem to find the command for flatten to plane. (Silhouette to Plane is working great)
I have a question:
First, let me add my thanks to the many who have already said it: this tool should ship with SketchUp, and it really provides some key functionality.
I'm curious about the details of how you control the curves of a bezier curve: this plugin seems to have a different mode of control than say, Illustrator or even LayOut. In each of the latter programs, curves can be controlled with the two-sided handle, as shown here:
My question really has two parts:
Has this happened to anyone else?
Every time I close LayOut 3, the program crashes and I get the bugsplat report that pops up. As long as I've saved my work, I don't lose anything that I can tell.
Here's a similar thread where a script is posted that is working for me (TIG, I remain grateful to you for this and your many other contributions; I'm not sure why this one isn't working for me):
Hi Honolulu -
Thanks a million for this script. This is exactly what I needed. It's nice that this isn't recursive, which fits the workflow nicely for what I'm using this for.
I've edited the script slightly, to make it operate on just the selected components. (Chris, you'll be very proud...)
Same instructions for use, but select the components you wish to make unique first, then type "allsunique" into the console and hit enter.
def allsunique
model = Sketchup.active_model
selection = model.selection
selection.each do |e|
if e.is_a? Sketchup;;ComponentInstance
@tig said:
Recopy it now!
I've corrected a typo that should have returned an error message!
It should now work...
Hmmm. It's still behaving the same way.
The outliner "blinks" like the script is working, but the names still remain the same.
@chris fullmer said:
Hmm, I cant think of one off the top of my head.
It would be a great script for someone to write who is trying to learn ruby....'eh Dan??
Who? Me?
Agreed. Haha. I'm still working on script #1, which hasn't progressed much for the last few months.
Interestingly, Fredoscale has a utility built in that makes all selected instances of a component unique. TIG also posted a snippet that does the same, but I had a hard time getting it to work.
@tig said:
This code snippet will 'make_unique' all selected instances.
It does not affected nested components.
I can't seem to make this script work (the make unique script). I'm pasting the script into the web console, selecting all the components I want to make unique, and evaluating the code. It appears that it's working, but then the names of the components remain unchanged.
Hi -
Is there a plugin that will make all components unique?
I"m not looking for a fix where I have two different components that share the same name, but I'm looking for something that will make all instances of the same component unique.
I'm a fan of GIMP. And Inkscape. With both of them, the learning curve is a bit steep.
Paint.net is great, I use it daily, but it's not really an alternative to GIMP or PS, if you're using anything beyond the very most basic tools.
Hi -
Has anyone run across this problem?
When using the selection tool to click + drag a selection area, there is no visible "selection box" when the tool is active. The selection tool behaves ok, but not having the visual feedback when dragging to select is frustrating.
This system is using SU 8 free, with windows vista.
Hi -
When I'm renaming scenes, it tells me that I can disable thumbnail generation for the model. But when I check the box to disable thumbnails, it doesn't seem to stop future thumbnails from generating, or updating (and I still get the same message, giving me the option to disable). I've disabled many times over in the same model, but no luck.
It seems like z-fighting behaves differently in SU8 -- did this behavior get an update from SU7?
Overall, it seems like there is less of a flickering if two materials occupy the same space. I also switched hardware between SU7 and SU8; maybe this has changed how z-fighting appears on my screen?
EDIT: Woops, wrong forum. Can someone please move this to general sketchup discussion? Thanks.
What does this mean?
I imported a DWG file (it came in as a component because there were other objects in the file).
I copied, and pasted the component into a new document.
I used the tape measure tool to resize the model.
I right clicked on the component, selected "Save As", and this is the message I got:
So humor me a bit. I'm not a software engineer, and I haven't logged any time on programs like Rhino, Solidworks, etc..
I was reading the entry for NURBS on wikipedia, and I came across this image:
This looks, to me, similar to a 3d object in sketchup. After a quick read of the supporting text, here's what I think I understand:
SketchUp creates control points and faces to create 3d shapes, but each point and face is explicitly defined by user (or plugin) input. A NURBS modeler uses a more sophisticated set of algorithms to display the same 3d shape? The same control points and faces are defined in the NURBS modeler, but more in the "back end" of the software?
Does this even come close to an accurate description?
I've noticed this, too.
I still haven't decided if I like it or not.
Is there a comprehensive list of changes and tweeks in SU8? There seem to be quite a few that were not part of the official new features list.