After loading LayOut 3, I placed all my templates from LayOut 2.1 into the the LO 3 template folder. The templates appeared in the template browser ok, but when I try to save, I get these two errors:
I then opened a 2.1 template in LO 3 like a file (as opposed to through the template browser). This seemed to work fine, and I was able to save ok. Until.. I was an hour or so into layout work, and I got the same two error messages again. After reverting back to the previously saved version, I was able to continue saving again.
Any thoughts on how I can avoid this? At most, I'd be exposed to losing all the work I can do in 5 minutes or whatever autosave interval I have set. But, I'd like to avoid it all together if possible.
I assume scrapbooks will have to be opened and saved as scrapbooks in a similar way (rather than just dumping my scrapbook files into the LO3 scrapbook folder).