Hi Chris -
The videos both look great. I agree that the second approach, with only one time stamp per day, makes for a more interesting animation.
Do you know if it's possible to show shadows for more than one time at the same time?
I added
status = page.use_camera=false
in two places below. As I'm sure you know, this makes it so that the scenes do not save the camera position from when the script was run.
model = Sketchup.active_model
si = model.shadow_info
ps = model.pages
si["DisplayShadows"]= true
#set the year, month, day, and time of first shading scene
t = Time.gm(2010,"aug",1,10,0,0).to_i
#set number of days to repeat
31.times do |day|
page = ps.add
status = page.use_camera=false
page.transition_time = 0.0
t= t+(60 * 60 * 6)
page = ps.add
status = page.use_camera=false
page.transition_time = -1
t= t+(60 * 60 * 18)
I've moved onto trying to add screen text, which notes the month and day of the current shadow displayed. I'm thinking this will be more involved than turning off the camera location save. Any ideas, anyone? The end result would be in the finished animation, there would be a time stamp of sorts on the screen as the animation plays back.