@gaieus said:
It's a shame you don't have such training programmes in Europe...
LOL! We do Csaba, and I'll be sure to let you be the first to know when they come available...by posting it here!
- CraigD
@gaieus said:
It's a shame you don't have such training programmes in Europe...
LOL! We do Csaba, and I'll be sure to let you be the first to know when they come available...by posting it here!
- CraigD
I'm looking into whether the positions are regional or national. (Somehow one of the links is broken and the folks "in the know" are working on that right now.)
I'll let you all know as soon as I hear back.
- CraigD
Hey Joe! Welcome! You've come to a great place, supported by many experts and the Google SketchUp team too!
I hope you enjoy using SketchUp and share your work with us!
Model well, and ask lots of questions!
- CraigD
Hi Edson, it sounds like the license Daemon has hung.
You should quit SketchUp and wait for about 2 minutes and then restart. If that doesn't work, please reboot your machine.
Let me know if this works for you.
- CraigD
I know there are more than a few SketchUp vehicle makers out there, and I saw these on my coworkers desktop. Check these out!
Here's the collection:
- CraigD
I think Boulder, CO has some of your cold air Anssi. It was -5F (-20.5 C) last night and is only around 15F (-9.4 C) right now. Brrrrrr... It's ok, I slept under a warm dog though!
But, last weekend it was in the mid 50s and I got to ride my Super Motard both days!
We keep our snow in the mountains...it's been a banner year for the ski resorts here in Colorado.
Cool! Send your resume here: training@sketchup.com
We'll have the training folks contact you.
- CraigD
So you love to show off your mad SketchUp skills? You like helping people learn? You can inference from three hidden component layers away while using the Follow Me tool to create a crown molding along the inside of a octagonal room?
If this sounds like you, YOU may be just what we're looking for!
The Google SketchUp team is currently looking to add to our team of SketchUp trainers for the next year. We have several full-time (but temporary) trainer positions open in the U.S.
Please go here for more information: http://sketchupdate.blogspot.com/search/label/Jobs
If you have any questions, feel free to pass them along.
I know a lot of you, and feel that there are some seriously talented folks who we'd love to have representing Google SketchUp to eager students around the country!
Hope to hear from you soon!
- CraigD
Hey Joe, I'm not sure who the artist was, but if I have time I'll try to swing by the gallery and ask them.
I was raised by an artist (my Mom) in New York, so I'm used to seeing some amazingly cool things. It's how I ended up in graphic arts myself.
I'll let you know if I find out anything.
Hi all -
I've seen this artist's work first hand in a gallery in Boulder (for a Google outing). The artist uses nudes to project an image onto, there is no PhotoShopping going on here.
The work I've seen is beautifully done, and very classy image projection using the human form as part of the art.
The work I saw was really remarkable and quite beautiful.
Whoa Chuck!! You've been busy bro!! I want to see double that face count by next week! ...if that's really possible..
Good work man.
- CraigD
Hi Eric - I've been extraordinarily busy, both professionally and personally lately, so I apologize for not getting back to you earlier.
The problem with Quaker oats is that they are essentially "instant" oats that have been pre-processed. You want to go to a "Whole Foods" type of store and by steel rolled oats. These would normally take an hour to cook, which is why a. instant oats was developed, and b. they're perfect for a crock pot.
Also, here's some info on Congee: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congee
This is also an incredible way to start your day!
Here's a way to think about food and your day:
Morning - you're trying to rekindle the embers in your "fire" or Qi so you don't want to eat cold things, animal fats or high proteins. Oats and grains and fruits and yogurt is good
Mid-day - this is when you (if you've done the proper breakfast) will have your fire burning hot and you want to fuel this. So animal fats/proteins and a larger amount of food is fine. Add some variety in the actual meal so that it's not just one thing, but an assortment of things that will work long term and short term
Evening - your fire is dwindling so you just want to stoke it a little but not too much. Here's where you want to eat your raw vegetables, leafy greens, beans, a little rice or tempe. You don't want to eat a lot. Like a fire that you want to go out by bed time, you wouldn't put a large log on the fire, instead some smaller sticks so that your body will be ready for bed and not working on something as you try to settle down.
As far as breaking through plateaus, you must fool your body. When I train for endurance, I often put many sprint exercises randomly in my routine. The body is amazing at figuring out patterns and conserving, so you have to be random and explosive, then return to the normal pace. You'll find that your body will give it its "all" when called on, thinking that it's run away from saber tooth time, but then you ask for more as you go back to endurance mode. At this point your body will say, ok, I'll give you all the stored up energy I have.
I hope these concepts help you.
One of the very best things you can do for your diet is to buy a crock pot and make organic, local whole rolled oatmeal and have that every day for breakfast. I started doing this and it's super easy. You buy the organic whole oats (or millet or kanji...more on this later) and set it up the night before, just before bed.
I'll do two cups of pure filtered water, 1.5 cups of whole oats, a pinch of sea salt and ground cinnamon into the crock pot on low or 1 and go to bed. The next day, I'll go down to the kitchen and stir in some organic raisins and maybe some more water if needed, then I hit the showers and in 30 minutes the raisins have plumped up with the water and then we'll serve this with a little extra cinnamon. The raisins and cinnamon are plenty of sweetener so no sugar is added (sugar is evil for humans).
We'll have this with organic green tea, and maybe some sour dough bread, toasted with a little local honey.
It's best to eat a meal like this in the morning, and then eat smaller meals as the day goes.
There's my little macrobiotic tip of the day!
Hey Hank, I've asked the Layout folks to take a look...they may be able to help.
Thanks for posting the question!
- CraigD
No worries guys. I don't mean to say that my online help/support was free help...I feel that we've mutually helped each other, and like I've said before it is my honor to help out the SketchUp community!
What I meant is that if you're having trouble getting what you want, be it another license or a switch platform license, then I can usually help.
It's all good.
Oh, and by the way; I hope everyone is having a productive and fun start to 2008!! The SketchUp team is psyched up for the coming year!
- CraigD
Hey! That's Guernse, Hungary, right? Someone keeps placing UFO models in 3D Warehouse for Google Earth in that town too! I think his name is Kondas Peter...
How funny!
Geez guys! Can anyone read between the lines anymore, or do you all have Googles on?
How many people have I helped for free over the last year...?
- CraigD