How interesting, that you would mention Ross's weight loss/return to healthy weight and find out that it was also a Macrobiotic diet! I think this is a great read on the topic, by Michio Kushi:
Also some good resources:
A Macrobiotic Master: Michio Kushi -
On Martial Arts, you are right...belts mean nothing. However if used properly they give a carrot to help people get to higher levels while training. I was a Chinese Kenpo instructor for two years when I lived in New York. I've been training since I was 9 years old and have studied many different styles, adapting them to my own fighting style.
I am 5'7" and 130-132 pounds (same as Bruce Lee!!!) so I've studied Bruce's fighting style (his "styleless" way) and his training methods for years.
I found Qi Gong (Chi Kung) training (actually my wife turned me on to that while I was studying White Crane and Long Fist Gong Fu (Kung Fu)) and the Qi Gong is incredible! The Qi Gong matches very well with Macrobiotic way of life...the key is balance.
The more I learn in life, the more I realize that I do not know. Retaining this humility allows one to continually learn, always the student, always striving for more.
I hope you will look into Macrobiotics! I think that you'll be very surprized by how much sense it really makes. One thought: if an anthropologist from another planet was to review the human form to figure out what we ate, they'd look at our teeth (four meat cutting teeth and 30 grinding teeth) and very long intestinal track and come to the conclusion that we eat a high majority (90+%) of grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and less that 10% meats. Our bodies are the specs if we read them... Are you giving your body what it was designed for?
Health and happiness to you!
- CraigD