You can also get the transferring rotated axis if you inference your plane with the rotation tool, and then press one time the down arrow on your keyboard. This blocks that inference in place and lets you put the rotation tool in the position you want.

RE: 2 ways of rotating I didn't know of..
RE: Batch render multi scene with diffrence output size
That would be a very warmly welcomed feature
RE: 2017 is here
@dave r said:
@3dita said:
Noticed something new on Trimble's home page?
Seems Sketchup 2017 is here.
Not much noise around it though, wonder why..
Have a go:
The release only happened within the last hour or so.
So I can say "First" for once??
2017 is here
Noticed something new on Trimble's home page?
Seems Sketchup 2017 is here.
Not much noise around it though, wonder why..
Have a go:
RE: Bright Yellow Default Settings in Vray for SketchUp
Hi there! Change the time settings in the Shadows panel. Usually setting the correct time zone, will get you correct day light.
RE: Invisible object but still show shadows received at this obj
If you want to to this all in render, you need a sinmple plane as a base and you have to apply a Wrapper material to it.
Search youtube for a tutorial, you'll find plenty
RE: Vray proxy issue - Urgent help needed
Are you naming your proxies correctly?
Ok, sorry for that really fast and harsh reply.If you are sharing the sketchup files, you should also attach the vrmesh files associated to them. They are however too large to attach.
What is probably happening is that all the components are referencing the same vrmesh file, with different materials set on top. Try to export your plants again with a clear structure of your vrmesh files, and everything should work out fine.
RE: MIXAMO - free with Adobe ID
This is a nice thing to know! Thanks!
RE: [Plugin] Descaler v1.1 20121218
I'm only finding about this plugin now. So it's basically a reset xform for Sketchup?
RE: A little trick for Vray Rectangle lights
@valerostudio said:
Take it one step further and add an arrow so you know which way the front face is facing. Similar to how the icon looks in Max.
Yeah, that works too
A little trick for Vray Rectangle lights
Hello, it has been quite a while since I posted anything. Been busy I guess..
I just had a little idea on how to better manage the light planes generated from Vray Rectangle Lights.
Let's have a basic setup with lights:
Make the light components and then draw on their surface (outside of the group of the light) a diagonal cross. Also assign to the light group an empty material. You should get something like this.
In the end this is the resulting setup:
Which has the advantage of not having shadows from the light planes!
Will this break the lights, you ask? Nope: they render just fine!!
I hope this is in anyway useful
RE: New Plugin: Extrapolate selected edge
Hi there!
This is a VERY nice plugin, that brings a much needed feature in SKP.
It doesn't show up in the context menu though, I have to choose the tool from the Tools Menu.
I worked around it, assigning a shortcut
RE: Correct Glass IOR refraction?
@lummoxcz said:
@andybot said:
check to make sure your window panes are facing the right direction in SU. If you have faces reversed, the refraction will be distorted like you see there. You should have the front face facing out on both sides.
Thank you - it helped! Originally I had only a plane as glass without any thickness. When I added it, the result was correct.
Was coming here to say just that!
May I add that I really like the design on that window?
RE: Imported jpeg turns out white when rendering
@dkendig said:
PROTIP: If you ever find that you need to charge a client a few extra hours because they've been naughty, be sure to use 100% white in at least one material while rendering.
LOL.. Care to elaborate?
RE: Wavy bench in sketchup
@john2 said:
. And how to give a vertical incline as seen in the photo?
Try skewing the vertical lines after cutting and before shape-bending (use Fredo scale
RE: Little touches in SU2015
@box said:
The double click on the arc tool is also handy for making curved paths.
This feature here is AWESOME!!
RE: Help me add HDR light into the scene, Thanks.
That looks like low sampling of Irradiance Map. Put higher values (go from 50/20 to something like 80/40)
RE: [Plugin] Modification to PutOnLayer
Hi there! This is a great plugin, but could there be an option to create a new layer, after I have selected a group, and right clicked on it?
It could be useful to right click > Put on Layer > New..
Is it possible?
RE: Photo texture vs. v-ray render
I think this is a known bug. Try exporting the model in 3ds exporting also textures. At that point when you reimport the textures, the images should be fine!
RE: Old Newbie... Landscape made of cds
@leminilab said:
3dita, I thank you, it works perfectly!
I just need to find the best spacing in the sandbox to make sure my computer doesn't die rendering this but it is what I needed!Thanks a bunch!
Glad I could be of help! Again, make sure the CDs are Proxies, otherwise I think it's gonna be hard to handle that scene..
Looking forward to see how it turned out, ok?