[Plugin][$] FredoCorner - v2.7a - 31 Mar 24
This is awesome! Thank you!!
Rounding complex geometry will be so much easier!About the Undo/Repair option, what happens to a geometry that has been modified after the rounding?
Will the "undone geometry" be discarded or will it restore to the original geometry, discarding the modifications in the meantime?
I +1 the wish from chippwalters to have a component "remember" its rounding parameters (one can never get enough)
Thank you again!
@damj said:
About the Undo/Repair option, what happens to a geometry that has been modified after the rounding?
Will the "undone geometry" be discarded or will it restore to the original geometry, discarding the modifications in the meantime?
I +1 the wish from chippwalters to have a component "remember" its rounding parameters (one can never get enough)
Thank you again!
It's not like if Sketchup had a full parametric framework! Actualy, there is absolutely nothing.
Once a shape is rounded, that would be fine to move it, scale it, etc... as long as this is based on regular transformation. Repair will work and keep the transformation.
However, if modify the shape, Repair will re-establish the original shape at it was when you did the Rounding. So your changes will be lost, including material painting and edge properties.
I take the idea of the Modifier, which was my initial goal, but is more complex to do.
So consider Repair as a safety net at the moment.
That's stunning work! Congrats
Did you consider having a simpler toggle button like SubD's, instead of the undo/repair?
Wow, thank you Fredo!
Oh BOY!!!!!! Thank you for this!
Can't wait to try it!
Fredo does it again !
Thanks to all for your encouragements.
One thing I forgot to mention (it's now done in the main post) is that FredoCorner will become a paid plugin after a 2-3 months beta period. It will also only support SU2016 and above. RoundCorner will continue to exist and be supported as a free plugin.
And so it should, you need to be paid for your excellent work.
This is phenomenal! Thank you, thank you, thank you Fredo!
Congratulations Fredo!!
This is a incredible tool and it's very useful to make the complex shapes more realistic, thanks for your efforts. -
This really looks fantastic. Great work. Thank you very much!
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
Did you consider having a simpler toggle button like SubD's, instead of the undo/repair?
That would be useful.
The great return of Fredo
@fredo6 said:
I take the idea of the Modifier, which was my initial goal, but is more complex to do.
A real modifier system in SU would be great. Maybe if some of you plugin geniuses could join together to get Trimble to at least support this effort, if it would be possible with some modifications in the SU code.
Based on the experience of the last years i think we won't see any real improvements of SU in the near future, but maybe there would be a way to extend the capability in form of payed extentions that go deeper than the current plugins.btw. If you can store this rounding information with the object, would it be possible to implement material IDs on this level?
@numerobis said:
btw. If you can store this rounding information with the object, would it be possible to implement material IDs on this level?
What do you mean exactly by storing "material id"
PS: The modifier concept is difficult to implement in Sketchup, native or within extension, because Sketchup does not track the operations, except locally in the Undo stack, but anyway not with the parameters and description of what has been done. So I am afraid that:
- a modifier system would require you use its framework for everything you do in SU (grasshopper approach)
- or you have very specialized modifiers for some functions provided by extensions, as I may come up with with FredoCorner.
@fredo6 said:
What do you mean exactly by storing "material id"
I mean material IDs like in other other programs, which can be used for multi materials, random materials, object distribution or selection sets.
Here in max:
1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJiwnQ3anwM
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8qQlb8HupIOr used in RailClone for distribution of objects
https://youtu.be/Xe0MPT0S0wI?t=625Btw. would it be possible to get material informations from lines, when you extrude lines to a face? Then you could have a set of lines with assigned materials and they will be applied to the extruded faces. Combined with an automatic generation of mapping coordinates that follow the extrusion like it is already possible in ThruPaint, this could be really helpful i think (video 2).
Thanks Fredo for this incredible tool!!
There is an issue on macOS 10.13.6 & SU2016, when the tool is activated I can't orbit (through shortcut: Ctrl+Cmd) to select edges.
I created the Spanish language file, here is: