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  • Modeles type dans Layout

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    2 Posts
    Dave RD

    From Google Translate:

    @unknownuser said:

    Good morning all !
    I am coming to you because I have a little problem with Layout.
    I have saved several typical models but only want to keep a few
    how to remove them?
    Thank you for your answers

    Please give us more detail about what you are trying to do. Share the LayOut file and/or images that show what you have and what you want. That will help us help you.

  • Layout Performance tips

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    @congellous said:

    @aikibrown said:

    IMHO, Depending on the size of your model, I've found that creating a LO file for each drawing, I. E. One Lo page per LO file gives fewer issues.

    Having said that, LO2020 Pro performs very well now. Even with multiple pages and a 150MB model.

    Genarally, keep SU models as light and as well organised as possible.

    Yeah good idea can you PDF/DWG/issue all open layout files

    Apologies for the belated response.

    I've not really experienced many issues in exporting a LO page to PDF. As long you can refrain from using the Hybrid setting on your viewports, exporting should go well. I've also got into the habit of keeping no more than two layout files open at any one time during this process.

    Now, exporting to dwg from LO is an entirely different proposition and it is my view that there is much that needs to be improved by Trimble with regard to the dwg export functionality and the quality and compatibility of the output.

    Whenever I am asked to provide dwg files of my LO drawings, I find that exporting SU scenes of plans, elevations and sections directly to separate dwg files is the the way to go. I then XRef the individual components in one coherent master DWG file containing all the necessary linework and issue that. The process of generating the exports is tedious but takes up far less time than dealing with numerous phone calls from confused consultants, wondering how the hell they are supposed to work with the mayhem of vector geometry and uneditable raster imagery all dumped into model space in random positions, and often on the same layer, when spewed directly from LO.

  • Changing Line colour using the Tags in Layout 2020

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Dave RD

    There does seem to be some excessive nesting and this could be getting in the way of making this work. I've sent another PM.

  • Custom Start Arrow

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Dave RD

    Nothing yet in LayOut.

  • LO vs SU Styles

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Dave RD

    @millerjx said:

    I don't have the styles in SU coming over into LO.

    Do you have a viewport selected when you are looking for the styles?

    The In Model styles should be displayed automatically.
    Screenshot - 7_30_2020 , 2_26_18 PM.png

    If you click on where it says In Model styles, you should be able to access the native styles as well as any custom styles you might have.
    Screenshot - 7_30_2020 , 2_26_53 PM.png

    FWIW, I created a set of styles that match the ones I used to use in SketchUp when I created the various scenes I need for my LO project. Now I normally use a single style in the SketchUp file and choose the desired style for the viewport in LO. For the screen shot above, I intentionally used an older file that has three styles used in it so it would be evident there are in model styles.

    @millerjx said:

    Maybe related, maybe not. I do not have the tags saved to a scene coming over into LO.

    Do you mean you haven't create scenes for your model? Although it is possible to set up views in LayOut without using scenes in SketchUp, I've found that it still makes better workflow if you do have fixed scenes in the SketchUp file link to the viewports in LayOut.

    If you really aren't seeing styles in the SketchUp Model panel, I would wonder about the installation and if it was done correctly.

  • LAyout Hybrid rendering. Anyone have this problem

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    7 Posts


    Hey Dave R, let me know what you think about this:

    I think I have solved this problem since the problem still persists since I read this thread about this topic.

    I have the same problem as the user who posted the problem on this thread and what I've done is downloaded a previous graphics card update and the problem seems to have disappeared.

    Here's the important part. If you do not section off using a section cut to get rid of geometry behind your sketchup scene camera view the geometry behind that same camera view in sketchup scene will still show up as a wireframe geometry and all geometry in front of your camera will still show up as normal. So in order to get rid of the wireframe geometry behind the camera in your sketchup scene, you need to download and install an older version of a graphics card update that works for you previously then when you switch into hybrid mode in a layout viewport of that sketchup scene you will not see the wireframe geometry showing up behind the camera in your sketchup scene anymore, however this is only provided that you have sectioned off the geometry behind your camera view using a sketchup section in place where you want to view your sketchup model. Just simply setting the "Position Camera" alone without a section does not work and in hybrid mode in layout you will still get unexpected geometry that is behind your camera view in sketchup showing in layout as wireframe lines in your viewport scene.

    I have provided some attached files for everyone to see what I'm talking about and attached photos of what I see on my screen inside of layout incase you see something different on your end.

    Please note that currently the update you are reading here with attached files is me telling what the problem was and now the minor problem which currently still is. Before in hybrid mode with a newer graphics update installed on my computer even with a section in place I would still see all geometry showing up behind camera view, now since I've downgraded my graphics driver update and once I section off geometry behind, I do not see the issue anymore in hybrid mode inside layout viewport, however I show in the files attached that if I simply set camera angle and do not section off geometry behind in sketchup scene I will still see hidden geometry showing up as wire frame so again the solution with an older graphics card update installed is to just section off geometry behind so that hybrid in layout works and shows you only what you want to see as you've set in your sketchup scene.

    I would like to say that this problem has been solved now however I will update everyone once the SketchUp team member who is currently investigating this gets back to me with clarifying information or new updates on the problem.

    View files below:



  • Unwanted hidden geometry showing in Layout

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Just a thought. Have you checked your SU scene style settings have hidden lines switched off.

  • Possible bug? Hybrid render fails to export to PDF

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @dave r said:

    @aikibrown said:

    but just encountered the same issue when trying to export to PDF using LO 2020 (Pro).

    So the clipping mask thing from the OP has been one cause. I've also seen where a dimension or two on the page were somehow bad. In one case a few years ago the user had a bad logo image in their title block. That was obviously a different version.

    It sounds like you know which page is the problem child. You could try releasing clipping masks if there are any or deleting dimensions of other content a little at a time until you can export the page. Do a little at a time. If it doesn't export, undo that change before trying something else.

    In the case of the bad dimensions, after discovering they were the cause of the problem, I put in new dimensions to replace the bad ones and there was no problem with export.

    Thanks for taking the time to chip in here Dave. You've certainly highlighted a few issues for me to keep an eye out for in future.

    I've now looked over my layout file in more detail and can confirm that in my case, it was a single viewport that was set to Hybrid render causing the export to fail. With the setting changed to Raster, the issue no longer persists with Layout V. 2020 (Pro). I'll try registering the possible bug with Trimble.
    Thanks again to all posters - all helped me get where I needed to be. Cheers.

  • Pdf export looks fine but prints background black

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Wos. A lot of black ink. Haven't seen that before (on a Mac). Could it be Catalina? Must be some setting. Macintosh-- the pioneer of desktop publishing. But now?

  • New Scrapbook!!! Architecture idea for drafting

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @dave r said:

    Yes. This is a useful way to add certain reused content or even things to sample. I've done this for years with LayOut and I think quite a few users do it as well. My templates also include different lineweight and dash samples and font sizes so it's quick and easy to select the appropriate styling for entities I want to add and I can maintain consistency through the project. I put those things on a shared layer so they show up for every page.

    Thanks for the insight!!

  • Changing Stroke Colour

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Dave RD

    If you want to change the color of existing lines, they need to be selected first. If you want to change the color for new drawing entities going forward, you need to have the appropriate tool selected before changing the color.

  • Problem with a scale i title block.

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Dave RD

    Yes. I understand what you mean. Put the scale object on a layer that is not shared between pages. Then copy it and paste it on the other pages. Then you can scale each one separately.

    By the way, please update your profile. It says you are using SketchUp 2015 Make which wouldn't have LayOut. The correct version information can be useful in helping you out.

  • Layout Context Menu Open with Image Editor

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    (on a PC/Windows 10) You could try a search from the Taskbar or go to the File explorer in the Start menu. Just a matter of looking through each of the sub-directories to find the app required. Make a note of the location and then go back into Layout to link.

  • Layout

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    I have the same situation in 2020 Pro version. Serious problem. After just a few minutes of working, all LayOut commands freeze. (I can save the file, and when I reopen the file, it shows, for instance, the line I was attempting to draw, but it's distorted, like it couldn't keep up with drawing speed. (The line didn't show up at all before I save and close.) While working, suddenly Layout won't snap to any geometry and that's how I know the session is toast.

    I'm a power LayOut user and I've never experienced anything like this with SketchUp in 15 years of using it! To have to go back to ver.2018 is going to be a tragedy. I'm using OS Mojave 10.14.6 on a MacBookPro late 2013, 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2 GB
    Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB. Yeah, getting a little long in the tooth, I suppose, (the computer) but I'm not having any difficulty with it on any other demanding software I use. Is anyone else experiencing this miserable situation besides me and Gordon Greenwood? Moreover, does anyone have a solution?

  • SketchUp and Layout for remodeling construction docs

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    @tommyk said:

    I do extensions and renovations using Sketchup and LayOut exclusively.

    I make the following models:

    survey model (of existing) - simply modelled. design model - for finishes, furniture layout, and discussions with client construction model - for technical putting together of buildings

    I have in the past tried to put all those models into one, using layers for demolished walls, etc, but it soon got tedious, and I work in the above way now. Keeping models separate also has the advantage of keeping model sizes down and therefore your modelling speed up.

    I don't use another 2D CAD program at all. I do my sketch plans on tracing paper, then go straight to Sketchup to get my accurate drawings.

    That's like the way I've outlined below. I do sometime split the model into different parts but I'm always afraid of not keeping the main information centalised as I can get mixed up between version changes. I might take particular sections of the build and show them separately but the central model is paramount.

  • Newby question

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    For future reference this is the sort of thing you should draw directly in Layout.
    No need to make scenes, or send to layout or scale etc
    Just draw it full size and print it.

    Here is a version drawn in layout in a few minutes.
    And then printed and checked for accuracy.
    It took longer to create this post than it did to draw and print it.

  • Exploded Viewports Not Dimensioning Correctly

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @mark beattie said:

    Good day,

    Within a Layout file I've exploded certain viewports to adjust linetypes/weights but, after I try to snap any dimension to these lines, they seem to be reading more the size of the paper than any previous assigned scale.

    Can anyone help with this?



    If the Sketchup model was inserted as say 1:100 and you explode it, next time you want to dimension the exploded model just set the dimension up as auto-scale 1:100

  • Where to download more Varieties of Layout PNG patterns?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @davewong said:

    I need more sketchup's layout pattern fills. More varieties, like wood-grains pattern, earth/ground patterns etc etc.

    May I know where do I get more of it? I have no time to draw them myself 😞

    You can easily create them directly in LayOut!

    Open a document and set the dimensions of the page to say 200mm x 200mm with NO margin and ensure Print Page Colour is unchecked. Suggest you set the grid as 5, 10 or 20mm so you can reference each edge where the texture will tile.

    Draw your texture with lines of required thickness and set line ends to round or square to ensure they pass the edge of the page. Export as PNG as this will provide an alpha background.

    Import back into layout as a hatch to check. Adjust line weights on the original and export and test again.

    Layout is the ultimate tool to create textures!!!

  • WIN 10 cant remember positions of trays in Layout and Sketch

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    First thing to try,Close SU and Layout, Find the install file .exe, probably in your Downloads folder.
    Right click on it and choose Run As Administrator, then when the option is given select Repair and follow any prompts.

  • Layout Isometric "Full Scale" Isn't!

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    In a isometric perspective, done correctly, we should apply a reduction in every edge. That reduction is the same for the 3 edges, and it's 0.816, that you can calculate why, but it's that number. In LayOut, simply prepare a custom scale with that number (1.0 mm = 0.8166 mm). It exist differences between an isometric sketch (no reduction) and a isometric perspective (0.816 reduction on every edge). Now you can print and mesure correctly your isometric drawings.

    I hope it helps someone.
