@kprice said:
It seems something like "linear aerodynamics" should be manageable.
Lift = lift_constantangle_of_attackvelocitywing_area, in direction perpendicular to velocity
Drag = drag_constantangle_of_attackvelocitywing_area, acts in direction parallel to velocity.
Lift_constant and drag_constant should be functions of angle of attack, for example if Lift_constant goes to zero at some maximum angle of attack it will represent stalling of the wing.
This is somewhat similar to a magnet whose force depends on velocity of the object, instead of the distance to another object...I guess I need to peek at the magnet code.
You sound like you know what you are talking about... It went over my head.
dVector delta = body->location - magnet->location;
dVector dir = delta.normalize();
dVector force = dir.Scale(body->mass * magnet->strength / delta.squaredLength());
Its also easy to get the body linear and angular velocities.