Really nice feel to this one. FWIW, the paper texture helps it feel a bit more "artsy" to me. Does the yellow car have it's headlights turned on? I'd think there would be some visible light spill in front of the car.
RE: Night shot
RE: [REQ] find similar groups and create components
Have you tried Convert in Single Components from Component/Group Tools This converts everything in the selection set into a component. Sometimes it doesn't work, but rerun and if it's successful a dialog will appear.Then run Component Comparison by Thom Thom and it should replace everything that is identical. CC only works on components, hence the first step. If any geometry was skewed in the import process, then it probably won't replace them, but it might help cut down on the # of entities you have to deal with.
Thanks, Richard. I will put these to good use.
RE: [Plugin] Make Unique Selected Components v0.4 20110803
Groups, by definition, are unique. How would this be helpful?
RE: Photoshop CS6 sneakpeak 6
@hieru said:
Just so you know, Adobe won't be offering upgrade discounts for CS6 unless you have CS5.
I think Adobe changed their mind on this. They're now offering upgrade pricing for CS3 and 4. fullmer said:
It is REALLY worth it. I could not live without my CS suite. My office did not do the 5 upgrade, but we are doing the upgrade from 4 to 6 and I am soooo ready for it!
Chris, Content Aware Fill (which came out with CS5) paid for the entire suite upgrade by itself. Content Aware is also getting an update in CS6 so you will definitely appreciate the upgrade. I might upgrade my personal license from 4 to 6 as well, just for those features.
RE: How to model something like this?
And all without ever doing a Save As. Impressive Boo.
RE: Free 2D People
I'm certainly no copyright expert, but my guess is that the authors intended these cutouts to be used as part of a layered Photoshop composition. If that were the case, it would not be difficult to bring all the layers into Photoshop and freeze the non-content layers. The same could be done if you converted these to 2D face-me components. In addition to the cut-out figure, add a face off to the side, import the copyright texture onto it, group it, and put that group on a freeze layer.
I opened a file in Gimp, and you're right, it doesn't show layers. The alpha channel is there though so the selection could be made. I don't use Gimp so I don't know how to extract the alpha channel onto its own layer, though I'm sure it's possible.
RE: Free 2D People
They are layered TIF files. Did you try opening them in Photoshop or Gimp?
RE: Free 2D People
Thanks. I had the ones from the second link, but the first one was new to me.
RE: Web dialogs stopped working
I had read on the Shaderlight forum that some things with the warehouse weren't working right. I don't think that was related to the problem I was having.
RE: Web dialogs stopped working
Well a full reinstall seemed to fix the problem. I have no idea what caused it, but I have all my plugins loaded and there are no menu errors. Must have been a Friday fluke. Thanks to those who offered ideas and solutions.
RE: Web dialogs stopped working
@unknownuser said:
Download the installation file again, that should let you do a Repair or Reinstallation.
I did, but the repair option would only recognize msi files. On Monday I guess I'll have to reinstall.
@unknownuser said:
File Import, Preferences and Save windows are not WebDialogs - so it sounds to me the problem is not related to WebDialogs.
Thanks for the explanation, Thom. When the problem first occurred, one of your script's UIs went blank too. I thought you had used a webdialog and thus, assumed incorrectly, that others were the same. Then when Cleanup started working again, I got really confused. I'll see what happens after the reinstall.
RE: Web dialogs stopped working
Thanks, Sig. I'll check that out and let you know if I find anything different.
RE: Web dialogs stopped working
Not that I know of. I have IE9 on this computer, but I don't use it. And maybe web dialog isn't even right. Does native SU use them for things like File-Import, Preferences, or Save? I have not tried repairing my SU install.
EDIT: I'm not able to repair the installation because Windows wants an msi file. SU installs from an exe. I hate to totally reinstall, but that might be my option...
Web dialogs stopped working
I'm having a big problem. I opened SU today and it immediately splatted while loading toolbars. I cleared out my plugins folder and reloaded them until I found what I thought were the problem children. I left those out, opened SU, and no crash. But when I load anything that has a web dialog, the dialog is either won't open and locks up SU (File-Export) or is completely/partially blank (File-Import, System Preferences, TT's Cleanup script). There was a recent upgrade to Shaderlight that I downloaded, but after uninstalling, the dialog problem persists. I haven't done any other updates that I'm aware of. Thoughts on what would cause this?
Edit: I opened a new session and now Cleanup works. All the modeling dialogs continue to function. The problem appears to be limited to System Preferences, and File menu dialogs.
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
@unknownuser said:
[attachment=0:1fy42i4d]<!-- ia0 -->user_manual.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1fy42i4d]
Is that Obamacare?
RE: Asking for modelling help with a ring design
@d12dozr said:
edit: Wyatt posted just before me...
Yes, but you provided a lot more information. I'm sure he'll appreciate the tips you gave.
RE: Asking for modelling help with a ring design
Very cool design. I designed my wife's engagement ring as well, but didn't know SketchUp very well at the time so took a napkin sketch to the jeweler. Fortunately it was enough for him. Have you tried Shape Bender by Chris Fulmer?