Wow. Love the first image. (The second one is really good too.)
RE: 2 Fields,2 different moods
RE: My first website
Interesting. I thought he could recommend some good "quality" surveyors, engineers, and landscape architects. Ha! I looked up quantity surveyor, and I think the equivalent title I've heard is "estimator." The specifics and scope of the job description may differ slightly, but I imagine it's similar. Learn something new every day.
RE: My first website
Looks really good. I think on the Services page you mean "quality surveyors..." though, not "quantity".
RE: [Solved] looking for old thread early drafting program video
That's it. Thanks guys!
[Solved] looking for old thread early drafting program video
Does anyone remember a thread that linked to a youtube video of a very early (like from the 60s or 70s maybe?) parametric drafting program? I've looked through many pages of topics in the Corner Bar where I figured it would be, and done searches on the entire forum and YouTube and can't find any reference to it, but I know it's here somewhere.
RE: Missing Sandbox Tools
You checked Window/Preferences/Extensions and it's not listed there? Is the toolbar turned off, or are you missing the commands in the Tools menu too? Have you checked Program Files/.../Sketchup/Tools/Sandbox folder? Have you installed any other ruby scripts or done anything to configure SU recently?
RE: [Plugin] Gradientator v1.21
I was at home on Windows 7 last night. I tested it this morning at work, also Win7 and came up with this:
At home I couldn't see the tops of the Ok and Cancel button. I'm not sure why I can now at work. I can test 1.2 again at home later today and post that screenshot too. The 1.21 update fixes it, at least at work. I was able to resize and it seems to remember the setting even after I close and restart SU. Thanks for the quick response.One request if you decide to continue updating this script would be to add the ability to sort the colors by color in addition to by name. This option would put all the greens together for instance. Just an idea.
RE: [Plugin] Gradientator v1.21
I've been looking forward to this plugin developing a bit more. This upgrade is a really big improvement, and it works well. I can't see the OK button in the dialog though unless I maximize the window. Is there a way to make the dialog bigger or adjustable? Anyone else see this too?
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
Good find, Eric. I love howtobeadad, and with a baby coming any day now, I have found the site's advice very useful.
RE: "butler building" or metal building
A search for "metal building" on 3D Warehouse brings up several, including some with framing. How detailed do you need it to be?
RE: CatchUp Edition 11 - Trimbled
Great stuff! Thanks to everyone who puts this great publication together, and thanks for including me in it.
FWIW, the tree[d] link works for me in Chrome.
RE: Sandbox and Views
You are correct, and I am sorry for making light of your question. I actually cannot explain why 'select all' or a crossing selection in plan does not select the guide. Everything looked normal for me in plan view, and I only discovered the clipping and the visible guide when I orbited.
RE: Sandbox and Views
Not that it matters because as pluke said, problem solved, but... The guide isn't visible in plan view. Orbit and you'll be able to see it.
RE: Sandbox and Views
There is a guideline on Layer 0 out beyond the extent of your model. When I delete that, the clipping stops.
RE: Sandbox and Views
With everything turned on, select all. Then go to the origin where your model is, and deselect the geometry that you see there. Check entity info to see if anything else remains selected. This is geometry that should be deleted or moved closer to the origin. Can you post the model?
RE: Sandbox and Views
Did you import the contours from another program? Your model might be located very far from the origin. This is known to cause clipping. Move the model to the origin and it may fix the issue. Draw some guidelines on a separate frozen layer first if you need to be able to locate the original coordinates to import additional geometry.
RE: IPhone 5 Concept, and Thank You
Great images. If the new iPad is any indication though, I'd guess the new iPhone will have slightly different dimensions. Got to keep the third party accessory manufacturer's in business you know.
RE: A new home for SketchUp
I don't personally use it, but we use Trimble software and survey equipment in our office. I haven't heard any big complaints in that regard. I'm interested to see how SU is integrated with/into Trimble's other software packages.