I've got a custom Angle attribute for my DC.
It's set to:
Units: Decimal Number
Display rule: Users can edit as textbox
Display label: Angle
Display in: Degrees
Then to limit the values to a max of 360 I use this formula to Angle:
The problem is that when I type a value in the DC Option window the formula disappears and gets replaced by the value I entered in the Option Window.
Maybe I read the docs wrong: http://sketchup.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=114561
@unknownuser said:
The SMALLEST function returns the smallest of the values in a list.
The previous example, when entered into the LenX value field, constrains the component so it cannot be scaled less than the smallest number (the value of LenX, 20, or 10).
But from that I thought I could do just what I did with the Angle attribute...
p.s. Is there a different section of the forum DC related topics should be posted in? The Component section didn't seem fitting as it looked like more for sharing components...