Hi,Gilles and Sadyo.
I forgot fixing the problem.
It corrected in v1.01.
Didier Bur...Thanks for your advice.
Hi,Gilles and Sadyo.
I forgot fixing the problem.
It corrected in v1.01.
Didier Bur...Thanks for your advice.
Hi,eidam655 and db9black and mitcorb.
Thanks for your replys.
Your request is difficult for me.
I did not try processing from a picture yet.
I will search the method for that solution.
Please wait (without Expectation...Sorry.)
This is tool for hole openning tool on solid.
@unknownuser said:
#General disclaimer
#Please use this script at your own risk.
Get the latest version from the PluginStore: http://sketchucation.com/resources/pluginstore?pln=hole_on_solid
or AutoInstall from within SketchUp using the SketchUcation Tools
@unknownuser said:
Update in Nov 29 ,2011:
Bug fix:I forgot erase line about "TSTcommon.langconv".Update in Dec 02 ,2011:
Improved.work on Sketchup ver7( perhaps ver6).And create smooth subtracted faces from face include curve.Update in Dec 03 ,2011:
Bugfix and small Improved.correct the hole shifted.Update in Dec 14 ,2011:
Create hole from compoennt that has cut openning option.
Hole on unoccluded faces group(Tentative)Update in Dec 16,2011
:Bugfix:It happened when select solid by component.Update in Jan 03,2012
:Add new function,Punching multiple holes.
Modified Topics:Jan 05,2012.Title Did not correct.Update in jan n09,2012.
Bug fix.The hole from polygon mades smoothed side faces. it's improved.
I found from dave's post,and irwanwr's message.Thanks.
This zip file includes "create_hole_on_solid.rb" and "icon_openning_lg.png".
Copy these files to "plugins" folder.
I created this tool for using with Building structure tool.http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=35798
But I think easy to use so It became independent tool.
Hole On Solid v1.6.2update 2012-01-03.
New fucntion video here.
Please watch this video "how to use hole on solid tool"
Where download My Building Smart Modeling tool for sketchup
Hole on Solid Tool
Building structure tool
Solid quantify
WHD Parametric Component
Coming soon.
Hi Lukestar.
The news was heard good for me and you.
@lukestar said:
Thanks very much, now the icons show and work.
@lukestar said:
The Building Structure Tool does not load properly. I go to WEBDIALOG and I do not get any icons???
What's the GO?Lukestar
Hi lukesatr.
I'm sorry.I see that on mac.
I will recover it to work on mac.
Please wait.
I update files.
It will show webdialog with icons on mac.
But can not restore size of webdialog.
I will improve it.
Hi,raymond and gaieus and all.
I update this plugin to v0.5 in Nov13.2011.
I will upload on my webpage.(Now still uploaded older version)
Visit there If you do not able to download here.
@stef52 said:
i have a little problem with a piece of a terrain shaped with the sand box; what can i do to have a regular surface of grass instead of this triangulated one?
I think inputing larger number to "MaxNumber(/Face)" in dialog will improve the problem.
How is it?
Please reply if it does not improve the problem.
Hi,Pilou and Ken.
I am glad that good evaluation from you.
I add "cu" in quantify list.
@unknownuser said:
Nice plugin. It would be nice if the "cu" was in the same units at the model. I tried to look at the code and change the output to cu/in. However, I just couldn't figure it out.
Anyway, thanks for the plugin.
Solid Quantify v2.5.1 by TAK2HATA : Copyright 2012.
It shows Quantify of all solid in sketchup model.
In the case of The Solid created by Building strcuture tool,
Total Sum of Every material of Solid is caluculated.
####General disclaimer
I MAKES NO GUARANTEE OF VALIDITY about reports by using this script.
Please use this script at your own risk.
Get the latest version from the PluginStore: http://sketchucation.com/resources/pluginstore?pln=solid_quatify
or AutoInstall from within SketchUp using the SketchUcation Tools
@unknownuser said:
Nov 09, 2011:add "cu" in list.
Nov 29, 2011:I update this with the proposal by stevendaniels.Thank you.
Mar 18, 2012:Improve and add function exporting XML spreadSheet.
Mar 20, 2012:Add function exporting CSV.and add new items in list.Area of surface and Width,Height,Depth.
Width is the length about X Axis in component.So Width means the length of the element made with Building structure tool.
Mar 21, 2012:Bugfix about aborting because getting size of Component.
Apl 05,2012:version2.0a:Add Estimate cost reporter.and Improve functions.
Apl 08,2012:version2.0b:Improve and bugfix.
Sep 05,2012:Version2.0d:Bugfix:Surface area calculated double,when that face do not have back-material.And mistaked about units when report rendered in webdialog.@unknownuser said:
"Cost" in Subtotal was incorrect.it fixed.
Overrided material by component/group is effective to quantify now.
Improve displaying for watcher.Sep 27,2012:Version2.2:Add Changing Units in report.
Oct 28,2012:Version2.3:Add option switch of quantifying each component definition.and improve.
v2.3:Small improve.
V2.41:Apr 28,2013.:Version2.4:Add Short/Full report for Webdialog.
Bug fix about surface area in scaled component.
Including area of back_face material.
deal with instance name as priority to definition name when the name applied to instance.
Small Improve:Report with the model includes no solid.
v2.4.2:May 16,2013:Modify for Sketchup Extension Class.
And Add showing charts with Javascript InfoVis tool kit.(http://philogb.github.io/jit/)
V2.4.2 New function "SHOW CHART" video.
v2.4.3 Small BugFix.
v2.5.0 Bugfix:Calculate correctly volume of the solid in scaled group.
V2.5.1 bug fix .
Please erase older version when new version is copied to plugin folder.
How to use Solid_Quatify(youtube)
Export solid reports with xml and csv.(youtube)
solid quantify2_Apr04_2012_how to estimate cost.(youtube)
update v2.4
Where download My Building Smart Modeling tool for sketchup
Hole on Solid Tool
Building structure tool
Solid quantify
WHD Parametric Component
Coming soon.
This "su2objmtl" plugin did not work on sketchup v8.
Causing code is line 306 in su2objmtl.rb
t = Geom;;Transformation.axes (Geom;;Point3d.new 0,0,0),(Geom;;Vector3d.new 1,0,0),(Geom;;Vector3d.new 0,1,0),(Geom;;Vector3d.new 0,0,1)
It changes to code like this.It will work.
t = Geom;;Transformation.axes( Geom;;Point3d.new( 0,0,0),Geom;;Vector3d.new( 1,0,0),Geom;;Vector3d.new( 0,1,0),Geom;;Vector3d.new( 0,0,1) )
And This plugin did not work on mac.because difference of file separator between windows and mac.
I am sorry for without updating this plugin.
I could not change my homepage because I changed my computer.
I will create new homepage with same adress in neary future.
Hi ,mwm5053 and Edson.
@edson said:
@mwm5053 said:
Great plugin, Thanks
needed this for a contractor that builds steel buildings. Maybe some sort of corrugated sheet metal for walls
Will make a donation to children of Japan
try the metal deck feature in 1001bit pro:
[attachment=0:3rim4p6a]<!-- ia0 -->1001pro.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3rim4p6a]
I updated BST version to v0.4.
Using "[SHAPE]" for header of profile name.and the skp filename after that.
The skp file for profile must saved in the foleder "plugins¥building_structure_tool¥shapes".
See the animation about addin new profile.
But I think 1001 bit pro is better,because the openning to wall like sheet metal wall is difficult on my tool.
please try them.
I corrected this script.
The version changes to 0.3.
A very huge earthquake hit Japan. 2011.3.11.
This script was exhibited for that encouragement.
And Japan is becoming fine gradually, thanks to your aid.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for a lot of people cheers us!
Japan still seriously,
but we will revive surely,thanks to everyone's assistance.
Thank you really.
I move to the west of Japan now, and am working.
So correcting this plugin seems for a while.
To become more convenient, I want to devise it.
Thank you for you ..true...
Thanks about the info of world steel beam tables.
I will read it later.
Earthquake hit me now!
Very Terrible.
Thanks TIG!
Thank you for helping.
It was not hit on at all where I am necessary to put up the hand.
It was doubted that it was a problem of the inch in my conception.
Now It work with your help!
EDIT: by TIG - An updated version of all of the files is now available here...
I'm grad to see you.
Help from Korea and other countries will surely recovers Japan.
Therefore, we also work hard.
Thanks for all!
best regard.
Hi, TIG and maxosmedia.
Thank you for helping.
I am out now.
I will correct it after.
I will investigate the cause.
Please wait for a while.
Thank you a lot.
At present, because I am away from a horrible place,I am safe.
Please use this plug-in without holding back because it is completely free.
It is hope that it is the most insufficient in Japan now.
The following are donation.
Hi,d12dozr and watkins.
"Red Cross" is a famous group also in Japan.
That is one of best choices.
And the site made by Google also accepts donation.
If you have google wallet,it is easy to donate.
Building structure tool for Sketchup
Draw Structures and Modify Easy.
I strongly recommend using this plugin on sketchup v8 higher.
**General disclaimer
Please use this script at your own risk.
Update to Version 2.2.0 in2014.11.16:Apply IFC Classification in Sketchup2015 higher.
Update to Version 2.2.1 in2014.11.22:Some bugs fixed.Change the sample profile files to have no extension
Update to Version 2.2.4 in2014.12.07:Some bugfix and Improve the profile selector.and "Mwall" Work well on MacOSX.
Plugin name changed to "T2H_Building_Structure_Tool" in V1.9.7.
So please remove older "Building_Structure_Tool" files in your plugin folder.
But they are able to exist togethr,because they are different name space in ruby code.
It can not restore the size of webdialog on mac.
The Sketchup ruby can not read from the file path include the Non-English characters.
So Please place the profile list file to valid path.
please download profile list files,and place it valid path.(whitout non-english characters),if you are first at building structure tools plugin.
And Set that file by the menu "Change Profile List Path".
Menubar -> "Plugins" -> "T2H_building structure tools" -> "Change Profile List Path"
I tested this plugin on Sketchup v2015 on windows7,only.
Axis is very important for BST Entity.
So,do not change inner axis of BST entity.
This tool do not apply well to it When Axis modified.**
Get the latest version from the PluginStore: http://sketchucation.com/resources/pluginstore?pln=building_structure_tools
or AutoInstall from within SketchUp using the SketchUcation Tools
Nov 16,2014.T2H Building Structure Tool v2.2.0 What's new!
2014.11.01.T2H Building Structure Tool v2.1.0 What's new.
Sep 28,2014.T2H Building Structure Tool What's new!
Apr 28,2013.Toggle UI(Short / Long )
Mar 09 2013.New function"Create BST Solid From FootPrint"
v1.4beta New Table Editor on Sketchup.
v1.0a Descriptions
V0.56 Install guide.
Explanation of a new function was uploaded to youtube.
I created the PDF of the naming convention of the item "Profile" in the pflist,csv.
pflist csv is a structures list that used in this plugin.
Please have a look.
Sample Profile List Files
****v1.9.6:The Profilelist files are included in sample_pflist folder in plugin folder.
UK Steel Profile list csv created by CTMan!Thanks!
how to edit profile list csv:how to edit pflist
profile name schema:PROFILE NAME SCEMA
When the problems happen with recent version,please use older version.
Older version(v1.9.7):BST v1.9.7 RBZ file (older version)
Language Translation File (Link to post):
Chinese Traditional Translation txt.Thanks hcltw1963!
French Translation txtThanks chon!
Spanish Translation txtThanks oxer!
lang_zh_cn.txt:Chinese 簡体字 translation:
Thanks Guanjin!
German Traslation txtThanks wolfi60!
Russian translation: Thanks Goga63!.
Where download My Building Smart Modeling tool for sketchup
Hole on Solid Tool
Building structure tool
Solid quantify
WHD Parametric Component
Coming soon.
A very huge earthquake hit Japan. 2011.3.11.
This script was exhibited for that encouragement.
And Japan is becoming fine gradually, thanks to your aid.
Thank you very much.
Hi fuzzion,gr8fzy1,kalu and Jim.
I'm sorry about not visitting here recently.
Thank you very much for this solution.
In Webdialog,
"Preview fur" makes only green points for examining density.
"Make fur" makes furs.
In Inputbox,
"OK" button makes preview points everytime.
after that ,press Enter key to make fur.
or press ESC key to return Inputbox.
Perhaps this is not solution,I think now.
The First Idea:
Make fur is only makes on faces.(and mesh)
When the mesh is in group or component and selecting group,MakeFur doesn't work.
Open the group and select faces or meshes.
The Second Idea:
That is bug.
I didn't solve the problem about webdialog in mac os ,yet.
If it does not make fur by using inputbox too,this problem is bug in recent version.
So I will upload older versions.
@fuzzion said:
@cupko said:
In rollout menu Make by Component select No instead fur_instance.
I tried that on both SU8 and 7.1 but it still does not work. I can click the 'make fur' button
a million times but nothing happens
Hi fuzzion.
now ,I couldn't find the solution for this problem.
I want to see the dialog of the "fur" on your computer.
and show "ruby console" before clicking the "make fur" button.
(showing "ruby console" is in "windows" in the menubar)
if it shows some error message when clicking make fur button,
I want to see it.