A few suggestions for improvement:
ORBIT VIEW should be a stand alone function outside of SCENES.
It is a valuable tool that can be used often. At present, it is "LOST" in SCENES
for those users that are not aware of its existence.
Sunlight should be noted by its geographic location, is it for Northern or Southern Hemispheres?
A NORTH arrow would assist in checking of the plan against that which is showing.
Often the user will forget to show this on their plan. Option to SHOW or HIDE NORTH ARROW
would be helpful.
Suggest a simpler Font Style for naming Scenes. Current font is not "elegant or gives the look
of quality" Arial is a safe font to use.
LIGHTS should have the option to increase intensity.
The current COLOUR selection is too hard to use, try to use simpler bar sliders with better
SECTION SLIDERS - Is it possible to set AXIS for a specific building's orientation rather than
the AXIS of the PROJECT?
All in all, a very good WebGL Viewer which has the potential to be better.
Thank you T2H for your work!