"Fire-Water Pot": Picture by Picture tutorial:
Step 3: Finalization of second bended shapes.
- everything is in the picture and the video.
>trick one: use Face Style Toolbar's transparency to select only the edges we want.
>trick two: close the sides with Todd Burch's MakeFaces after deleting the unwanted endings and before delete the unwanted inside face (which have served to close the sides)
- Establish the inside volume we need to pierce the pot.
1 Using Fredo6's Joint Push Pull helps keep and preserve lines that interess us.
2 To have the overall geometry unhide leads to a good work for JointPushPull.
Step 4: Piercing the pot.
-Position the brother shape.
With unhide shape, hidden geometry displayed and build in construction lines well rotated, it is very easy to achieve a perfect position. I have used the middle point (which is a junction point) of the upper inside arc of a circle
-Intersect with model
Explode everything, intersect.
- Remove unwanted