The enter key works.
I can draw a line, enter the measurement and confirm with enter. works perfectly.
Only the push pull tool no longer works with enter.
The enter key works.
I can draw a line, enter the measurement and confirm with enter. works perfectly.
Only the push pull tool no longer works with enter.
yes, I know that.
but ENTER does not work.
Hello All
When I pull up a surface with the pushpull tool and enter the distance on the keyboard and confirm with Enter, it does not accept the command.
This only happens on the desktop computer. It works fine on the laptop.
Does anyone know this problem? I am pretty clueless here.
I have reinstalled the programme (without uninstalling complete) and have also installed it with the Repair function.
I am working with Sketchup 2021 Pro (Current version) on Windows 10.
Thanks for help and tips
Many Thanks.
I found the problem. it was subd.
I will now reinstall this plugin and try again.
here a printscreen with the triangles.
so, insert push/pull does not work
Hello everybody
I work with 2017 pro.
on my laptop version the pushpull does not work.
I can not push. when I pull I get triangle polygons.
anyone know this problem?
on the desktop workstation everything works fine.
who can help me or has an idea?
Thank you very much
yeeeah great. thank you very much ithil. it run now .-)
hello everybody
I have the vray beta for sketchup 2016 installed on my notebook.
everything is going well. Now I wanted to install the beta also on my desktop.
I get always the error message:
"Failed to checkout v-ray gui license"
What can I do?
I found the problem:
the problem was that SubD plugin.
under Extensions-subd-preferences ............... I have to uncheck replace push/pull tool